Howl At First Sight (Werewolf!Jasper x human!character)

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Jasper mumbled grumpily as she looked for some food at the supermarket. After a the transformation, she's really hungry and actually hadn't eaten before her transformation, which she regret. She couldn't decide if she should take the meat set or the protein set.

"You should take the meat set." A voice spoke to her. Jasper whipped her head towards the voice and saw an average looking girl. A plus size too. Jasper raised an eyebrow. The girl shrugged. "Well, you seemed having some rough night so I thought you might need some meat." The girl explained.

Jasper grunted and was low-key surprised that the girl knew that she had a rough night. "Um, thank you."

The girl lifted an imaginary cowboy hat at Jasper. "No prob." The girl said before walking off to buy some groceries.

After a round over the supermarket, Jasper went to pay for her snacks and food. Her stomach growled loudly. Jasper grunted. The cashier seemed surprised by the loud sound but Jasper handed the money with a straight face. She, then, walked out of the supermarket and her stomach growled again. Jasper clutched her stomach. There's no way she's going to make it back home without feeding herself first but her pocket was empty after paying the food.

"You hungry?" The familiar voice asked. Doing the same gesture as she did earlier, she saw the girl again.

"It's obvious." Jasper answered flatly and her stomach growled again. Jasper grunted.

The girl giggled. "I know we just met but why not we go to Danny's? My treat." Jasper nodded and the girl led her towards the nearby sub. Jasper eyes has stars in her eyes and bit her lip with a smile. She immediately recalled what she told her friends a year ago.

"Hey, Jasper, you really need to get yourself a mate. Look at the lot of us." Amethyst told Jasper.

Jasper scoffed. "All you guys do is find a mate and do juicy stuffs. I'm not nailing those kind of things."

Garnet sighed and rested her back against a large rock. "That is not what we do, Jasper. We have our own mates. We care for them and cherish them whether they're like us or not."

"This might sound insane but this is a challenge. We love Danny's and the person who takes me put to Danny's after the full moon, will be my mate."

Amethyst laughed. "That's probably never going to happen!"

Garnet crossed her arms. "Probably would."

"Hey, what are you waiting for?" The girl asked. "Let's go!" The girl said invitingly. Jasper smiled and jogged towards the girl.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jasper and the girl sat across each other at the table by the window. Jasper had ordered a whole 12" steak, egg & cheese, a whole 12" turkey burger while the girl ordered a whole 12" turkey cheese. Jasper are hungrily while the girl just watched her with an amused expression. Jasper never felt more relieved to eat. With puffy cheeks, Jasper looked up at the girl and noticed that she was looking at her. Jasper blushed.

"Um, sorry." Jasper said through mouthful.

The girl giggled. "For what?"

Jasper swallowed her food in one gulp. "For eating like a pig."

The girl brush her off. "It's fine. My family usually eats like that. I'm Marley, by the way."

"Jasper. Thank you for taking me out to eat." Jasper said.

Marley rested her chin on the back of her hand. "No worries. You must've forgotten to eat before the moon, is it?" Jasper stopped eating and looked at Marley with wide eyes. Marley leaned in to whisper. "You're a werewolf, right?"

"How did you know?" Jasper asked. "Was it obvious?"

Marley shook her head. "No. You played it well. Except the forest scent. You still smell like wet dirt. Plus, most people would decline the offer to eat at Danny's. Besides, this is the only place that offers large meals for your kind of appetite and your kind eat at Danny's mostly."

Jasper raised an eyebrow. "How did you know all that? Are you even like me?"

"Oh, of course not. I'm purely human but I was raised by werewolves. I can't turn but I do join my supernatural siblings to have fun around the lake, the hills and the deep forest. We've hunt together at times so practically I know what werewolves do despite the fact I'm human." Marley explained. Jasper has stars in her eyes. She really have caught the right fish after all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After having their meal, Jasper and Marley walked out of the diner. Jasper fiddled with her fingers nervously and glanced at Marley.

"Can I tell you something?" Jasper asked nervously. Marley nodded. "A year ago, I told my friends that I would find my mate if someone asked me out to Danny's the day after the full moon. I know we just met but could you be my mate?" Marley looked surprised. "I-I know it's a sudden but we could try the mating ritual and we could start off from there. If it doesn't work for us, we could ask the alpha to break it off for us."

Marley placed a hand on Jasper's arm and gave a reassuring smile. "The proposal is wonderful, Jasper, but I have to ask for my family's agreement before we start off into anything. It's that alright?"

Jasper nodded her head rapidly. "Of course. Yes. Definitely. Sure."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" Marley asked.

Jasper tilted her head. "How would I find you?"

Marley giggled. "Hey, werewolves could pick up scents easily. I'm sure you could find mine."

Jasper smiled. "I'll take that as a challenge." Marley smiled back and went back to her car. Jasper let out a satisfied sigh. She really hope that she would be able to have Marley as her mate.

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