New playlist and meditation

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So I made a new playlist on YouTube, I was technically born an avian but I still like listening to the subliminal because 1. It's catchy and 2. It helps me meditate. I am going to listen to this playlist overnight and while I meditate (advice from a friend). Now, I'm over here talking about meditating, but am I got at it? No. Can I meditate properly? Probably not. As I mentioned about a zillion times (sorry about that I got angry at the time and ended up giving up on meditation haha) in my other journal I have ADHD and it doesn't help with the whole meditation process.

Yes I did make the wing subliminal, the link will be in the comment right here ->

I know, I know. Eye colour changing subliminal. Wow rei, just wow. I want grey eyes, okay?!
Also, for the pyrokinesis, Fire is my element so why not.

I hope this whole meditation thing helps... I want to try visualization but we all know how hard that is. Well, most of us. I also have to do all this at 2 freaking AM because my family is loud af.

Wish me luck~


Avian Journal 2: The One Where I Believed Everything Zennith SaidWhere stories live. Discover now