Villain AU

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This days been, long.
Tomura has been at a meeting with the master all day, Toga and Dabi are trying to get food. Kurogiri has been fixing all the shit everyone has broken. Then Twice has been breaking more shit, Spinner is pick pocketing today, mr compress is doing whatever.
So you've just been wandering about, you tried going to U.A. you hoped you could fuck up someone's day to make yours better. Get your anger and lonely mess out on one of the lucky brats. One with a full family and money, an amazing quirk, the best life. You just hoped you could mess it up a little bit.

However the fucking teachers caught you so you had to leg it. You decided simply trespassing on private property was a better edgy teen thing to do. Who knows, maybe you'll get caught again and have to pay some fine.

You grab onto the top of a near platform and pull yourself up, finally at the top of the building. You walk to the edge and sit down, letting your feet hang and the sun to shine in your eyes even as it sets.

You look over this city and only see its filth, some you created. Graffiti, stains, rubbish, shit. You'd say you hated it but then you'd have to walk around knowing you hated it and that would just make it worse. But in all honesty there is nothing to like about this place, maybe you'd see the world differently if you weren't raised by Villains. If your birth parents didn't abandon you and your brother. Who knows what life would of been like.

"You know, there are legal places you can sit and think about life on." a voice says behind you, you swirl around and place your hands down to stop yourself from falling. You see a tall (ish) man with long black hair, golden goggles over his eyes and one dirty looking scarf.

"Fuck off EraserHead." You snap and turn back to your thinking.
"Shut the fuck up, I heard you swear yesterday after tripping over a rock." You spit and scowl when he sits next to you.
"You saw that?"
"Yeah, who else would of laughed?" You respond as if it should be obvious, which in honesty it should be. You laughed for a solid ten minutes, probably the happiest moment of your life.

You feel this hero look down on you. You slouch when sitting, you're awfully aware of it and Kurogiri always scolds you for it.
"I have a tracker in my wallet, I'd like it back." He says to you. You frown more and grab it from your back pocket.
"Hm, sure." You hold the wallet in your hand but Rather than returning it you stand up and dramatically open it up. You take a few steps, larger than needed to be, as you search though each little compartment.

"But first, Credit card, ID, Hero license--You keep that in your wallet?--OoOOOooh a side pouch, what could be in here? Money, more money, aw you keep it all in order, and this is a photo of your cat and--" you freeze when seeing the rest of the photo. "And your son, your nice boy, your perfect students with," You throw the empty wallet at Aizawa's feet but keep the photo in your hand.

"With me. Why do you still have this?!" You hold the photo up, easy to see, however it shakes in your hands. "I'm not your kid anymore! I'm just, just, I'm just a failure. You didn't raise me right, and I left because of it. Don't try and come here to persuade me to go back home, I'm never going back to U.A."
"Then why do you keep calling it your home?" Your dad asks as he takes a step closer to you.

"Fuck off! Doesn't the school have some sort of restraining order on me now. You act like you don't remember what happened! I left. That's it. Leave me be, fuck off, don't try and-and, and." You can't finish your sentence as the tears get to you. Your throat is tight, your stomach feels empty, your soul just wants to leave and find a better host. You cover your mouth to stop any sob, any signs of weakness show. The gloved hand over your mouth feels rough though. You hate this glove so much, but it stops you from using your quirk. You have to touch people to activate it for the first or second time, you can already use your quirk against most heroes without touch. This way you just can't use it against Villains.

"{Y/n}, everyone will accept you back. Aphrodite misses you, so does everyone else--"
"Please, the class don't care about me," you state with sad laughter in your tone. "Did Shinso get in now that there's a space? Am I easily replaceable, like you said." You squint to the ground and rub all the tears from your eyes.
"I never said that." Aizawa intervenes and takes another step forwards, you would walk back but you're at the edge of the building.

"'If you're too weak to belong in this class you will be moved and easily replaced' remember when you said that? That you'd expel anyone you didn't see fit? Isn't it obvious I don't fit! Or at least I don't anymore." You add as you look to see how far you are off the ground. Maybe you could jump and run back to the other Villains. Get help or pretend like this never happened.
"A hair cut and change of outfit doesn't make you a different person--"
"What if I said I killed someone? Brutally." You add in, a twitch in your eye as you look up to Aizawa.
"I wouldn't believe you, come on. Everyones waiting for you back home." Aizawa stretches his hand out within arms reach.

Could you really take it? Just go back? No consequences? How drastically would things change, how badly would you be judged. In all honesty, you haven't really done anything that illegal. You've gone onto private property, pissed off a few kids, used your quirk on land you didn't own? You joined the Villains but it's not like there's an initiation in which you must murder a bunch of kids and bring all their pinky fingers to prove it. You just kinda slid in and was like. 'Sup bros, so I'm kinda an edgy teen and I'm pissed at my school and paps, also I know a buncha secrets bout U.A. Can I chill?' In like a surfer dudes voice and everything.  

Tomura told you about your past though, he explained everything. You just feel like it's wrong to go back home now, it's not where you're meant to be.
"Please Sunshine, I can't go another day without you there." Aizawa says and sounds broken when saying it. So down and in despair, as if his life is just falling apart in front of him and nothing he does will fix it.
Like he really needs you.

Aizawa doesn't make eye contact with you, he looks away. Maybe he's scared to see you not take his hand. Your hand lifts but doesn't grab his, you hesitate. Let it just hang in the air as you look at Aizawa. He's your dad, you can't abandon him no matter what happens.
"I'm sorry for being a Fudgelberryer." You groan and take his hand, he holds yours tight. Like you couldn't even run if you wanted to. He pulls you off the edge of the building and into a well needed hug.

"You're grounded, and in detention, you're not allowed to leave my side. Ever. You'll be thirty and still grounded. I'll bury you in the ground. No phone, no TV, no friends. Except Shinso. The only things you're allowed is: School, breathing privileges and a loving family. But only your old one, you can't get a new one, you're grounded from that too. Also," he pipes up and pulls away from the hug so he can look at you. "No more Villains, no more of those thoughts in your head saying you're bad. You're the best kid I could get, accept that and love yourself the same way everyone loves you."

"No one loves me--"
"No! They do, c'mon, you're coming home. Shinso and Yamada will be so happy to see you again."
"They won't" Aizawa walks forwards but you don't walk with him, you look at the floor and question if it's too late to run.
"Sunshine," Aizawa places his hands on your shoulder, your dad bends down to be at your height, to look into your eyes. "They do, and they will. We've all missed you. I've missed you. It's selfish but, I'm not going anywhere without you. And nothing can make me hate you. You've been gone for two months and not one serious crime, only petty ones to mildly piss people off. You're not bad, you're not twisted you're just, in need of help. So please just come home with me so everyone can make sure you get better. So I can make sure you get better." As much as you tried to avoid eye contact with Aizawa, you can't help but looking. Each time you look you feel more like a puppy rather than an outlaw.
"Why can't you just let me be an edgy teen you fucking, good father." Though you're crying again you're also laughing. So does Aizawa as you go into his arms for another hug. You both shake and cry and be complete messes, but at least you're not lonely.

At least you have a dad.

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