Tenya Iida

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You have no idea how it all began but it's quite obvious that it did.
If you were going to pin point a moment it would probably be all those times before  lessons, you'd be sitting on some table and Iida would tell you to use a chair. It happened so often that one day he waited for you at the door with a chair at the ready.
Then he did it again the next day, and the next one.
Eventually he'd just stand by your desk and you'd spend the time before class talking.

You two practically have nothing in common, he comes from a rich, full family. While you come straight from hell. So you'd talk about the differences, also manners, you talked about manners a lot.
You also picked up that Iida didn't like swearing so you'd do it less around him.  Which felt weird but Iida really appreciated it. The class all went swimming and Iida invited you, you weren't the best but it was fun.

Then there was the summer camp, everything went okay to begin with, but you felt somewhat isolated and alone, then the next thing you knew Iida was there. He'd cook the meals with you and hang out with you during the rare free time. You and Uraraka began talking again and really enjoyed each other's company. However, Midoriya could tell something was off about you. You were just different and it happened so randomly from his point of view. Much like how he randomly got a quirk but you didn't mention anything.

When the incident at the camp site happened, Iida stayed by your side the whole time. He even carried you because he needed to run fast and didn't want to leave you behind. You questioned that, for ages. He would of been quicker if he didn't carry you. He would of been able to use his arms to ward off people, if he wasn't carrying you. He could of done so much more, if he wasn't carrying you. It's not, like you needed carrying either, he just wanted to? Maybe he thought you were weak and needed help? Well you're not and you don't.
But he still did it and it's been pestering your mind for ages.

So, on the way home from camp, you asked him.
"Hey, why did you- why did you feel the need to, no. Why do you hang out with me?"
You still remember the look on Iida's face, he furrowed his eyebrows and showed a warming smile before saying.
"I enjoy being in your company."

It was simple and said so naturally, was that what he was thinking when you were in the life endangering situation? Did he carry you purely because he didn't want to leave you behind? Why? Why are you so important to someone?

"{Y/n}, are you okay?" Iida asks innocently before his eyes go wide as he realises his wording.
"Did--Did you just call me {Y/n}? You never call me {Y/n}--Why did you?--" before you could even finish, Iida wrapped his arms around you. He has big arms, they're warm, they're strong. Somehow after a full night of running away from Villains, he still has the energy to hug you. To hold you, to keep you happy.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to say your first name." He says to you while still holding you close.
"Don't worry, it's okay Tenya." You respond and smirk, before blushing. He blushed too.

From that point on the bus journey wasn't so bad. A bit less than half the class were being taken to the hospital, most people only had mild injuries but a lot still had to go to the hospital, such as Midoriya and Momo, also all the other kids who were in the poisonous gas.
During the bus journey you fell asleep on Tenya's shoulder.

Then the weeks went on and on. You tutored Tenya, which was weird. Your class always thought he tutored you but you are the smarter one. Also Aizawa started hanging out with Tenya's older brother so you hang out then as well. He has a cool wheelchair.

When you first met Tenya's older brother, you made a cripple joke. Everyone went so silent but thankfully His brother found it hilarious and you both make those jokes all the time now.
What was it, during the school year you broke your leg somehow, it was during training and Recovery girl was on holiday for a week so you had to deal with it. You had crutches for a month and a cast for longer. The jokes about that were relentless.

For example, Tenya would ask one of you to get him something. You two would just look at each other and say "oh yes, let me just walk over there, with my working legs." Tenya would apologise so much afterwards before going to grab the thing himself.

Also, Iida has so many glasses. When you moved into the dorms, you would sneak into each other's rooms so you could hang out. You were a bad influence on Tenya. But also a good one. One time you locked Tenya on you're balcony because Aizawa was at the door talking to you.
Oh and poor Ochako. The amount of times Tenya mistook her room for yours. Or when you and Ochako are hanging out and then Tenya would join. She was a proper third wheel however you and Tenya were Completely unaware of this.

Well no, you were aware of it when She pointed it out to you. And then you couldn't stop thinking about kissing Tenya. You'd talk to him and only look at his lips. You'd think about him and his lips. You were talking to him and then you just kissed him on the lips!

He was shocked, then he smile (you could feel that he was smiling) then he began laughing because you were wearing his glasses and they got in the way. This was during school break so you were around his house. He separated from the kiss, took the glasses of your face and then he kissed you. He put his hands on your side and kissed you. He kissed you.
Yes, you kissed him first but it was accidental! Was it accidental? You liked it. You liked it when he kissed you too. You like him, you have for ages. You kissed him, you kissed him because you liked him. Does he like you? Well he kissed you.

You two fell back onto Tenya's bed and you really liked what happened after that. However you will never tell Aizawa about it. You plan to keep it a secret from him until the day you die. Tenya's brother found out months after it happened, he told Tenya off but high fived you.
It was safe to say from that point on, you and Tenya were dating.

You both interned at the same place, then moved to work at the same place. Graduated together. Were heroes together. Eventually you even had your own hero company together.
As surprising as it could be, you and Midoriya even became friends because of Tenya. Your kids called him Uncle Deku.
Your life went on a very different track to what you expected, thanks to Tenya.
And you couldn't be happier.

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