3. walk

123 9 2

— mina

i finally can get out of this hellhole. i grabbed my stuff from my locker and headed towards the gates.

>> yah! lee mina! wait for meeeeee

> who the—

as soon as i turned my head to see who was calling me, a panting kim seungmin was right behind me.

> why are you here?

  >> i just ran all the way here and that's what you say to me. that's nice

> well, tell me why you're here then

  >> oh to go home with you duh

> since when was that a thing?

    >> starting now, so lead me the way !

said seungmin as he pushed me out of the school gate. i can't really do anything about it honestly since he would just follow me. it was really quiet on my our way back to my house.

i didn't know what to say and i felt really awkward. i kept looking forward trying my best to ignore his presence. however, every once in a while when i turned my head to peak at him, his eyes are glued onto me with that angelic smile plastered on his face.

> ughh so how was your day?

i tried breaking the ice.

    >> it's nice since i'm with you now

i got super flustered and swung my head facing the front again. trying my best to avoid eye-contact with him.

after that failed attempt of lighting up the mood. we just continued to walk in silence until seungmin started humming. i peeked towards the side to see a side of seungmin i have never seen before. he looked so calm and cool and kind of handsome (?)

i let a small smile form of my lips as i watched him sing his little melody.

    >> take a picture, it lasts longer

> h-huh- i wasn't looking at you!

    >> hehe, cutie

i got red for the hundredth time today but thankfully my house was right around the corner. i pointed towards my house and told seungmin he can go home already.

i walked towards my front yard but he was still there, trailing behind me.

> are you going to follow me inside or ?

>> no i just want to give you something before you enter

> huh—

>> a hug !

a hug.

with his arms spread wide open, his eyes shining, full of expectation and fluff. i felt put on the spot. hesitantly, i walked towards him and looped my arms around him, patting him on the back. i wanted to get out of the hug but when i tried to pull back, he only grabbed onto me tighter.

for the first time, i felt his warmth and soothing scent. i felt his chin resting on top of my head as i heard him release a deep sigh.

he pulled back from the hug but his arms still grabbing onto me. we made eye-contact and he just smiled.

slowly, he weakened his grasp and waved goodbye.

filled with embarrassment, i scurried towards my front door. i tried to unlock my door with the keys but i clumsily dropped it due to the amount of adrenaline i was experiencing.

i heard a vague giggle behind me but i couldn't bear to look at him.

i opened the door and slammed it shut as i entered. i cupped my burning cheeks to cool them down.

kim seungmin, what are you planning?

hugs // kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now