Scouted ;

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K i m S o y o u n g || October 30
Cynthia's apartment


Cynthia had her arm wrapped around me whilst she was browsing random stuff on her phone. Just a few days after I had decided to become an actress, she wanted to become an idol. Her favourite group by far was Hexagon from Cuboid Entertainment. And now, two years later in our last year of middle school, she was still crazy obsessed. She was currently stalking their Instagram page and spamming their V-Live.

"What does Song-ie want to do?" she asked me.

"Uhh I don't know, watch Descendants of the Moon?"

"Nah it's not my type of drama," she replied as a rolled my eyes. "Let's listen to Hexagon's new song, Shone," she suggested, hopefully, only for me to decline. Ever since that September, she's been practising her dancing and vocals and all that in the hopes of being accepted as an idol. I sometimes joined her, but I was of course often too busy enhancing my acting skills. I went to an after school acting club almost every day.

We both had some big dreams ㅋㅋㅋ

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K i m S o y o u n g || April 4
Local Cafe

I sat at the cafe, sipping my bubble tea with Cynthia, Minseok and Jumin around me. As usual, Cynthia was on her phone, her E'Dusk phone charm swinging as she searched up stuff about Hexagon. A few seconds later, she screamed, making everyone within a 5 metre radius of her jump in surprise.

"Cynthia, what the heck?" I said, my voice hinting more irritation than necessary, as I wiped bubble tea off my WHITE pleated skirt.

"Sorry, but LOOK!" she squealed, shoving her phone into my face so that my nose touched something on the screen and the page shut down. Cynthia shook her head, annoyed.

"What?" said Minseok.


Minseok flicked her forehead. "We don't care."

Jumin laughed at Cynthia's frown. She was now researching when the tickets were going to be sold.

"Hey, do you guys want to go to my place after this?" Jumin suggested. "We can watch the second movie of Along with the Demons!"

We all agreed.

When we were done at the cafe, we headed out to go to Jumin's apartment. But then a young lady sprinted up to us at full speed. She looked at me with determined eyes and handed me a business card. "I'm Min Hayoung from Cuboid Entertainment!"


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