ch. 1 // lukey

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(rewritten and not edited)

song of the chapter // enchanted - taylor swift

luke's POV

A loud commotion was heard from outside of Starbucks as I approached the building. The door creaked open and I quickly noticed a crowd of girls and boys in the middle of the room. Papers of all different kinds and various pens were scattered everywhere.

"What the hell is going on?" Michael asked with eyebrows pushed together. Calum shrugged his shoulders as he casually walked up to the counter and ordered. The rest of us followed Calum's lead. All of us ordered our usual and I shoved my hands into the tight pockets of my jeans. I watched on of the frayed strings hang off the hole in my jeans and kicked the ground lightly. 

My foot lightly brushed one of the papers on the ground. I looked at the crowd, and then back to the paper, and then back to the crowd again. Curiosity got the best of me as I bent down and grabbed the paper that had a big footprint on the back. 

The picture presented a girl with brunette beach hair and highlights. Her face had a very mysterious and distant look that I wanted to know about. Her grayish-blue eyes captured mine, even though it was only a picture. I couldn't stop staring, but a hand shaking my shoulder brought me back to reality.

"You okay, Luke? You look a bit dazed." Calum asked with a semi-concerned look.

I shook my head and shoved the picture of the girl into Calum's hands. The rest of the guys surrounded Calum, wanting to know what captured my attention so effectively. Michael whistled loudly.

"Shit, dude, she's hot." I was nearly offended myself by Michael's bluntness.

Ashton smacked Michael on the back of the head, "Have some respect for yourself."

Michael blushed guiltily and looked down at the ground, half smirking, half smiling.

"Sorry, mate, I can't help my hormones."

"So I'm assuming that the crowd over there is for her to sign autographs." Ashton pointed out, completely disregarding Michael's comment.

My eyes widened significantly at the thought of the same girl on that picture to be in the same room as me. I hurriedly search the the sea of people for a specific brunette head of hair, but instead, I got direct eye contact from her.

The picture hardly did the girl's justice. She wore makeup, but just enough to make herself look appropriate for the occasion. Her hair was in loose curls and her smile lit up all of her fan's faces.

I admit, the guys who were getting pictures and hugs from her made me jealous, but I knew I shouldn't be feeling that because I don't even know her name.

"Charlotte Belair." Calum blurted out, as if he was reading my mind. I never turned my head to listen to the rest of what Calum was saying, because I was too caught up looking into Charlotte's eyes. 

She offered a light smile to me and nodded her head, signaling me to come over. I looked around me, as if she was talking to somebody else, but I seemed to be the only one she was summoning. I slowly walked over to her, but the crowed around her immediately closed off any access I had to her. 

I tried searching for her pretty little face, but it had disappeared, along with any hope of seeing her again.


Hey readers! So for those of you who have read this story before, I know, it's sort of a different way Luke and Charlotte meet, but I thought that the one before was a bit to unrealistic (but I guess this kind of is too). And yes, I know, I changed the person who plays Charlotte back to Barbara Palvin, but I found out that it kind of works better in the story for future purpouses.

For those who haven't read this story, ignore this a/n but the following chapter might be a little bit confusing because I still have to do a bit of tweeking so match this chapter with the next one, so I apologize in advance.

I hope you've enjoyed it so far and don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

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