ch. 2 // cal

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(some parts edited)

song of the chapter // kicking and screaming - all time low

Calum's POV

"How are we gonna find this girl? Luke's been locked in his room for the past few days, just staring at pictures of her. He's like her secret stalker." I asked Michael and Ashton as I paced back and forth in Luke's living room.

"I bet Charlotte has a lot of secret stalkers." Calum replied smartly.

I rolled my eyes and then looked towards Ashton to see if he had any ideas.

"Oh, I know! Let's call 1-800-find-internationally-famous-models!" I sighed at Ashton's very sarcastic answer and I gave him a look.

"Listen, Cal, I know you really want to help him find this girl, but it's a one out of a billion-trillion chance." Michael sighed.

"I know, but it's not only that. Luke hasn't been the same since Lauren and I really want him to feel better. I'm concerned for the guy."

Michael and Ashton looked at each other and sighed in defeat. "I know and we do too."

"So you'll help?" I asked hopefully.

Ashton walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Okay, Cal. We'll help."


Ashton, Michael, and I sat in a circle.

"So exactly how are we gonna find the famous Charlotte Belair?" Michael asked as he picked at the dirt that was hidden under his nails. I shrugged my shoulders thinking of how we were going to execute this near impossible plan.

"Probably the easiest way to find her is if she's out in public." I mumble, not paying much attention to them. We sat in silence for a minute until Ashton spoke up.

"I've got it! How does our fanbase find out what public places we go to?" he asked us excitedly.

"Uhh.. I don't know. I don't follow the fanbase rules." Michael responds with a duh tone. I continue to stay silent.

"They find us by one of the creepy blogs that seem to know anything and everything about us! I'm sure Charlotte has many of those fan pages too." My head whipped around to Ashton so fast that I might as well have whip lash.

I launch myself at him and hug him as tight as possible. "You. Are. A. GENIUS!" I scream as I lift him off the ground and spin him around.

"Aww! Cashton feels!" Michael squeals like a fangirl. I immediately let go of Ashton, hoping to get rid of that awkward moment. Ashton coughed uncomfortably and I smoothed out my shirt, avoiding all eye contact.


"Damn, how to people find these pictures?" Micheal whistles. Ashton and I smack the back of his head at the same time.

"Calm your hormones. We're trying to find out were she is, not look at nudes! Half of them are probably creepy edits made by guys who have way to much time on their hands." I groaned in annoyance. Just focus, man!

For 20 minutes we been searched all Charlotte fanpages that ever existed, and the majority of them have her modeling some lingerie or something like that. Others are gifs of her doing some sexy movement or something along those lines. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the pictures (don't blame me! I'm still a growing boy).

We kept searching the sites and digging around to see if we could find anything to help us find where Charlotte could be currently.

My mind was also distracted by Luke and his funk that he was in. Lauren really did a great deal of damage to Luke's heart, so he's been not his normal self for a long time. I had never seen Luke so excited about a girl since that witch herself. Of course, Charlotte's a famous model and actress, so the dream of being with her is a little unrealistic, but our EP did amazing so perhaps Charlotte does know about us.

"Y'know, we've been looking on these sites but we haven't once thought of checking Charlotte's social media." Ashton spoke, disrupting my train of thought.

"Good idea, mate. I'll check Instagram." Michael quickly replied and grabbed his phone, opening the Instagram app. Ashton and I just rolled our eyes, knowing he was actually going to play Dot Wave. Jesus, that kid is obsessed with that game.

"I guess I'll check twitter."

"And I'm going to go get something to eat." Ashton stood up and walked out of the room without even giving us a chance to reply.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and opened the twitter app. There were over 100 notifications, but I'd go through them later. I tapped the search icon and typed in Charlotte's name which was the first to appear.

The first thing I saw was a tweet and a photo attached to it. I tapped on the photo and saw a picture of her and probably a fan at the same Starbucks where Luke had his run in with her.

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