Top 10 favorites 1/1/2019

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There is nothing better in the world than starting  a new year making a list of my current top 10 favorite animes.

I write the date of today because I know that this list will change over time, since it changed so much since the first one I made. I don't want to just rewrite the new one over this, I rather keeping them to see how my likings changed over the time.

So there we go:

10- Shokugeki no Soma

9- Toradora

8- Noragami

7- A Silent Voice

6- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

5- Mob Psycho 100

4- Psycho Pass

3- Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

2- Zankyou no Terror

1- Kimi no Nawa

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