Do You Reckon People Snog On Ducks?

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Do you reckon people snog on Ducks?

If I end up using this phrase in my real life, I don't know if it is my fault or your.

Because I have used it a couple of times and both the times, it was around people who know I have Marauders Disorder. So the moment I speak something that they don't understand they just ask me Hannah' story and I nod.

I literally don't know how can I ever repay you?

Your story...the series, the words you write affects me, helps me so much that it is scary sometimes.

You have shown so many emotions, so many messages, so much hidden and wrapped in these few books.

( I know one thing though, my kids will read your Marauders series before they read Harry Potter. P.S. I am single and in no way near to marrying anyone or have kids.)

You know every other fanfic, they tell and show that James Potter is a head boy but no one has any perfect example or reason, except your story.

Everywhere, James and Lily start to date after their 7th year commences while you showed how long they wanted to be together, their fears, their emotions, their mistakes, everything that makes me fall in love with them more than I was before.

The way you showed Lily' friendship with everyone, not just James. As Remus and Lily talk, it reflects on the lines from Prisoners of Azkaban, where he tells Harry, ' Your mother was there for me when no one else was.'

Lily and Sirius. They are freaking adorable, okay? The way they talk, how they help each other in their love life, the ' I can bloody smell him all over you', the way she took him on the trip with her, the 'snuggling as friends', the 'I ruddy don't care about your underpants', their naming sessions. So I think you get my point that they are amazing. Well, we cannot forget P.A.H.W.F.A.H.W.W.N.D.J.P.

And her friendship with Peter even. The way she talked with him after their Patronus class. I loved that. It was just so damn sincere.

Frank and Ali. Can I just stop there? Because they are freaking adorable. I love them and the way you try to include them makes my heart scream. The Chocolate Frog card, their constant teasing, their comments, the way they both are just there for each other?

Regulus and James. Every chapter where they interact shows so much about their friendship and how much they care about each other. The way Regulus went to save James. The words, 'it would be impossible to be a student at Hogwarts and not admire James Potter. Or when James was ready to let go of the mark on Regulus' arm and simply told him that it didn't matter; 'Always be a good man, Reg, even when it is impossible. Maybe even especially then."

I think you get the idea. There are so many things that I can add to this list. So, once again, Thank you. Thank you so much, Di and Happy New Year.

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