A transfer student

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Hi!Just for a heads up this story will keep the traditional saiki k but just use Saiki instead of using   Saiki-Kun.I really hope you enjoy and hope you can understand.                                                                 Ps: I do not own any saiki shows or comics and this is purely a fanfic!!                                                         Ps: N/A is your name

Ughhh!My first day of this new school-PK academy.                                                                                                   I honestly don't want to go.From the fake friends to the nice people ,they all never cared so why should my new classmates .I suppose that I should give them a chance -for all I know they could actually be genuine.I just want someone to rely on....someone who actually cares....I mean this is a new start so why can't it be a happy ending?

Getting up out of my bed , I grabbed my brush and started brushing my tatty hair. I: looked in the mirror , grabbed my school clothes, made my bed and got changed for this new day.Realising my dad had already left for work ,I figured that I had to walk to school so I grabbed myself a cereal bar and shot out of the door to make sure I wasn't late.It would make a bad Impression if I was late on my first day!Since I didn't know the way, I decided to follow the other students of P.K academy.Priorly, I had hoped to go a separate way from the other students as being around big groups of others (who i don't know) makes me feel socially awkward.What added to my problems was that I had no data on my phone !

I finally made it to the school!It felt pretty weird at first as there was an terribly loud teacher at the front gate shouting at several of the students.I can proudly say that I managed to sneak past him because who can say that he wouldn't shout at a perfectly dressed student -never mind me , the person who was unsure before hand.Ill ask the teacher in my class!Wait, which class am I in? Confused, I went straight to the office , which was the only place my dad had told me where it was.I went through the emerald green doors and went to the friendly looking office attendant-there was multiple.Suprisingly,there was  no other fellow students there.YES!!Anxious, I decided to walk to the office attendant:                                                                                                                                            "Uhh...hi...I'm n/a and I'm the new student"I stated!                                                                                                        "Ahh yes"she replied looking onto her computer."What do you need?"                                                             "Uhh...err....Miss....Whitch class am I in?And where is it?"I asked, hoping I'd get a straight answer and could leave!                                                                                                                                                                     "Ahh , yes you are in you are in class three...Just take a left at the end of the hall and you should come across it...Have a nice day!"she answered                                                                                                     We both gave each other a smile and I left.

I quickly arrived at the classroom door and agreed with my-self to keep a low key.Quietly opening the door ,a girl with orange-ish hair came behind me.She wore a pink headband had light brown eyes.This made me hurry up to avoid tension but this girl already made up her mind to talk to me.From talking to her ,I found out that her name was Chiyo and she had a few friends in this class so she could introduce me.I did say sure to that but this made me feel more awkward as I don't like being in large groups.I walked into the classroom with her and asked the teacher for a seat-she told me to sit behind this girl called Teruhashi who was extremely pretty.

Soon, the first few classes had ended and I decided to hang around Chiyo -since she was the only person I knew.She introduced me to her friend Mera and we all sat together for lunch.Mera seemed to really love food so I told her I could make something for fun her sometime.They seemed nice enough!A couple of minutes later , Chiyo picked up her tray and moved to sit by this other boy In our class.He has sky blue hair and his outfit seemed quite ripped-definitely out of our dress code.Mera exclaimed that he was called Kaido and his  two friends were called Saiki and Nendou.Nendou seemed to be a really nice guy when we talked but he looked like he could murder someone-like a punk.Saiki just seemed annoyed all of the time-he didn't talk much but his originality didn't measure up to the others.Soon two other boys joined him:a purple haired nerd wannabe and a highly motivated red-head.Throughout the most of I felt extremely uncomfortable so I decide to stay silent.Thankfully , lunch went quick and we went back to our lessons.We had Maths(which I'm kinda good at ) and sports Whitchurch I am not the best at.

After all my lessons, I walked home using the same route I did this morning- it was pretty easy to remember.Sadly , I was caught in the act and Nendou-the BFG(🕴🏻big friendly giant)-joined me.His friends were the pre but but one didn't seem to pleased to talk to me sand the other seemed preoccupied with story telling.I decided to just go along with it and just get home a quickly as possible!From talking to them ,I gathered that the were all best friends and Kaido and Saiki were always like that-Mr imagination 👾and Mr miserable 😩 !It was kinda funny actually.   I soon got home from the tragic world of school.

My dad wasn't home yet so I let myself in and I got changed into a black Nike hoodie and some leggings.I hate wearing school uniforms cuz their kinda uncomfortable.After getting changed , I put on the TV and started watching some anime- it was a great night.

I really hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter and hope the get the next up for you soon-it took me a while to write this😋


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