chapter 5

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melissa sees some odd behavior around the school and knows who just to call but what if they aren't willing to help, what if someone has to step in and call the shots? nah that wouldn't be possible, would it though?

i walked through the halls feeling like everyone wants something from me, needs everything i have from me; my family doesn't know but this past week I've felt more hateful twoards myself and others but i hide it; i suddenly feel a touch on my shoulder i turn to see a werewolf i know called melissa 'irene if its about testing abilities i am-' i was cut off my train of thought by melissa's voice "um i know this is a bad time but you have got to check this out!" she says and soon drags me to a tall blonde male with blue- oh wait "thats garroth~kun why did you bring me over here anyways?" i said in an annoyed tone her ears almosy flopped to her head "i-i just thought you could help him." she says in a sad tone; i groan and walk away from melissa "w-wait!" she exclaims and i look back and give her a glare "does it look like i care BUZZ. OFF. Find someone else to do it, I'm done with doing everyone's dirty work." i said with a nasty tone i turn away and hold my mouth 'i need to run!' i thought and i did i ran and ran and ran and ran until i was in a forest and j fell asleep next to a sakura tree

🔥💚🔥💙??? pov🔥💚🔥💙 (a new challenger has appeared😯)

i run on my way into the building to see the halls deserted until i see three kids walking and laughing so i ran up to them and said "hi I'm new do you know the way to room 307?" the three looked at me like i was crazy "nope" the white haired one said "no clue." said the red haired one but the black haired one just stared until he turned red and said "go right then a left and should be across from room 306." i smiled "thanks for helping me bye!" i said and waved good bye as i went on my way to homeroom until i heard someone crying i followed the noise until i ran into a locker well metaphorically speaking anyways i leaned to the locker next to the crying persons "hey are you okay?" i asked to the stranger in the locker "n-none of your business j-just g-go awa-y." he croaked out i thought for a moment until i noticed a keyhole under the lock and pulled the heart Bobby pin from my hair and started fiddling with the lock until it unlocked and in there was a man with light brown hair, pale blue eyes, tan skin, and a few noticeable features was ash, brusies, cuts, tear stains, and scratches but i couldn't help but feel bad for this guy i extended a hand to which he flinched at my response "lets get you out of here." i say as i take his and and pull him out of the locker "i know someone who can help you and he's is in homeroom so it will be easy to find-" i was cut off by the male pulling away from my grip "i-i can't let gene see me." he spoke as his voice hoarse i looked at him to notice the white in his eye and cheeks was turning slightly red and his hands fidgeted with each other i grabbed him by the hand "i don't know who gene is but your hurt so i want to help." dragged him across the school.

after a while i found room 205 and push the door open to see a male with tan skin, brown hair, and green eyes flipping through a notebook "hi nate!" i exclaimed and his eyes peered out of the book and onto me "GUY!" he exclaimed as he nearly fell out of his seat, ran up to me, and hugged me "how'd you get here?! i thought your flight wasn't for another month!" he exclaimed as he looked at me "well i may have overeagerated on the time span." i said then i realized "oh right, nate my friend here got a little hurt and i thought you might have something." i explained as i stood back for him to examine the male "scratches, burn marks, bruises, crying, ash, cuts, ueah i have something but i think we should get him cleaned up be thankful its only on his upper half, you think you can do it?" he asked the male and he nodded as i helped him over to the bathroom; once we we're there i nodded and he went in and i stood outside.

it took a few minutes until he came out "s-sorry i took so long the ash was hard to get out." he said i nodded then helped him back into the homeroom; we instantly got to work as he pulled out two types of liquids and a wrap from a spare bag one a orange color and another one a clear bottle that i guessed was water as he handed it to him "must be thirsty after crying for who knows how long." nate said as the man took the bottle and chugged it down in one sitting "thanks." he said and nate nodded as he popped the lid open and brought out a cloth as he poured a small some of the liquid into the cloth "now this is gonna sting." nate warned the male he nodded as nate rolled up his sleeve he flinched as the wettened cloth touched his bare skin i grabbed the wrap after he finished the arm and went to the next, rinse and repeat till done which only took a few minutes "it will take about an hour to heal." nate said as i cut the wrap on his leg "thank you so much oh apologize for being rude i'm Laurence." the male apparently called Laurence said we both nodded "why we're you worried about a guy naned gene?" i asked he looked down and fidgeted with his hands "i-i came out and people hated me for it and the shaddow knights thought it would be fun to pick on me." he awnsered then i asked "what did you come out as?" he almost turned pale and fidgeted with his hands a lot more "b-bisexual." he awnsered then nates face lit up "well why didn't you say so i could have given you the bisexual wraps!" nate exclaimed suddenly i remembered that i had bandaid's the colors of the lgbtq+ flags pulled out a pink, purple, and blue striped bandaid and placed it on a cut on his neck "babe your a genius!" nate exclaimed and i giggled a little bit "wait you two are-" Laurence was about to ask but i cut him off "yep we are gay!" i said loud and proud Laurence snorted at my words "s-sorry its just the way you said it nevermind." he said i patted his back "no worries i like to be funny its just in my nature." i said Laurence gave me a smile then soon turned into shock "garroth, i gotta find him!" he exclaimed before i grabbed his arm i sighed "nate, it's happening better look away." nate nodded and proceeded to do so while Laurence was confused until i kissed my finger before touching that finger to the bandaid before pulling my wrist away and Laurence looked dazed as a vibrant blue flash came across his eye "what the-" he was about to ask until i added an explanation "soulmate magic only people with love gods and godesses can do this power." Laurence held his head as his back pressed against the wall and his face covered by his hands as he slid down "oh irene MY SOULMATE IS MY B-best friend." he said in realization i grew excited and nate walked up to me and thouched my shoulder before i could say anything "great i think its that garroth dude so might wanna get going because i hear a barrage of fangirls on the way." nate exclaimed as he held his head.

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