chapter one

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     Everything written down in this book 📖 is solely for entertainment purposes only and in some cases to inform and therefore mustn't be taken as the sole truth.
Research must be taken to confirm parts that one isn't so sure about.
Again it is edited yet it might still have  some errors but it will be cross checked pretty soon.
Thank you.


Derry Greyham got out of his Chrysler, locked it up and began his gentle walk through the hallway to his first-class hands in his pocket with his headset on.

He has geography this morning and he dares not be late, else he will be asked to push the whiteboard from that class to the next one or miss Dauting,

the geography teacher will ask him to arrange over three hundred sheets alphabetically within an hour.

Being the most intelligent student on campus, all the teachers like him.

None of the students can compete with him in academics. He's also good when it comes to basketball and swimming but he rarely goes for training because they are too noisy besides noise does nothing but drain him.

As he entered the door which leads to the hallway, he heard the clicking of heels on the floor and whisperings which brought him out of his thoughts.

He lifted his eyes to stare only to realise that a whole lot of students who were supposed to be going their separate ways have all gathered aside for him to go.

They were all looking at him as if it was the first time they had seen him as usual. Most of them were filled with admiration for him. Derry could see that almost all of them wished they had the chance to talk to him even once since he never allowed anyone close to himself.

Some were also whispering to their friends. 

Amongst them were a few notable ones.

"Head of the B ~ boys is coming"

  He heard a girl who seemed new in the school said  

Woah! B ~ boys

"woooow... He's very handsome, what's his name?"

Then he heard Loria one of the girls say to her when she said she would try friending him.

"Hey, what did I hear you say, that you will befriend him? Yes, you can in your dreams. He's an introverted mean mean guy. He hardly talks to people. If I am guessing correctly, I've never heard him talk before.  Nobody has ever got the opportunity to talk to him once.

He won't give yottheehe chance, the glance or the face. Rumour has it that a girl once approached him at lunch with her orange juice whwwwason his shoes accidentally,
He slapped her and used her handkerchief to clean it.

Come on, stop dreaming about impossible things." Loria said to the new girl. The new girl replied "But he is breathtaking!"

Loria replied "Wake up from your dreams! Are you the only one who has got eyes? We aren't okay? Everybody finds him handsome.
Do you know the number of girls who have tried severally to make him their friend or even a boyfriend? You have no idea.

The obsessed ones even went as far as seducing, unexpected attempted kisses, some even tried paying him just to be used and a whole lot but he would not talk to any of them. You will have to consider yourself blessed if he even talked to you.

People just enjoy being insulted by

him because he rarely talked but on

the extreme cases only, like starring at

him too much or diverting your attention from him or being nosy around his business will not have it easy.

The truth is that he is very rude. Gresham gave Loria a dirty look which sent her shivering.
Zoy from nowhere came into the scene and shouted at the people who were gathered there. "

Hey, what are you guys looking at or waiting for? Will you get lost before I get angry? "

Immediately they all started diverging without any of them saying a word. Derry Greyham didn't say anything he simply proceeded with his walk to his class as he thought about his past and present glories.

Over the years, he has grown to become the hero of the school.

Even though McCarthy Memorial College is one of the nationally recognized top, expensive and prestigious schools in the city and it is very difficult for somebody to emerge as a hero.
Even if it is possible, the person will need hard work but he has managed to get to the school's good books without much effort.

All the teachers like him due to his intelligence charisma and the number of awards he has won.

Aside from his intelligence, he is also considered the cththeuteeuteeuteeuteest of the girls in the school who who who who who h to be with him because of his looks.

He is a little bit tall, with blue eyes and curly black hair which is often neatly styled at one side of his face.

His pink lips and dimples can not be forgotten.

Whenever he laughs or smiles reveals his white teeth which sends many a girl melting even though he has never been seen smiling before.

Of course, why should he? He thought to himself. He has no reason to smile or laugh.

He is seen as rude, heartless, cold, mean and without feeling but he doesn't give a damn about what they think.

"Will you hurry up Derry?" Miss Dauting interrupted his thought when he got to the classroom door. With what happened earlier, he didn't realize he was late till he was confronted.

" You are late and look at how you are walking." To avoid punishment I need to say the rarest word I ever said. He thought to himself.  "sorry"

He responded. " I will pardon you because you of all people have apologised.
" Miss Dauting said as he took his seat.  Zoy followed shortly afterwards "Will you concentrate?" Miss Dauting asked when she saw all the students looking at Derry.

The rest of the lesson went by. Soon it was lunch.

Derry went with Zoy his only friend to the cafeteria to find something to eat.
Due to his nature, they were only two on the table.

They couldn't afford to share their table with someone else. Nobody even dared to sit at the same table with them because they were very intimidating.

A girl came to sit with them right beside Derry with her pasta.

"Hello guys I'm Citalade and you are? Citalade said while extending her hand towards Derry for a shake.

Derry said nothing but gave her a cruel look which told her "Take your pasta and leave" while he puts his headset on to prevent himself from being interrupted but she was too stubborn to comply.

Derry didn't want to waste his precious time on her so he just got up to move to the next table.

Before he could go, Citalade went to stand in front of him and stretched her arms wide apart in an attempt to stop him from moving but her hand slipped towards his chest.

Derry quickly slapped her hand very hard which made her scream.

"You heartless being!" I just wanted you as a friend and you do this to me?"
Citalade cried out in pain.

"You know what, we don't need a dumb ass as  a friend okay?" Zoy answered back. "And one more thing" He turned to go but came back.
"Nobody messes with Derry Greyham, got it?"
He walked away with a smirk on his face. Derry and Zoy went to the class for the next lessons for the day after lunch.

The rest of the day was uneventful


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