chapter three

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Derry Graham changed himself from his swimming outfit.

He went to swimming class today and in fact his skills alone was very astonishing. Everybody admired him.

He was simply described by the people as genius.

Almost all the girls in the school were dying to have him talk to them, even once but he hasn't spoken to any of them  before.

It is always gazing people to make them uncomfortable or just walking out on them wordlessly while Zoy did all the screaming at those who intentionally or unintentionally bump into him with the notion of least holding him or he's shouting on them for gazing at him.
" I wonder how I have become too popular, meanwhile it was never my intention to become this popular.

I have always wanted a quiet life in where nobody can worry me at least, but no, this beauty and intelligence has given me out.

Now I will have to cope with all those who feel attracted to me"

He thought. He picked his bag ready to go to the next class when a sheet dropped from his bag. "

This must be a letter from one of those girls who keep bothering me". He thought to himself.

He picked the paper up and opened it. "A letter from Zell?

That same girl, nice, then she must be bold enough".

He thought with a wicked smile. He rushed to the class only to meet the government lecturer already in the class.

"Everybody get settled for government". The Lecturer ordered. Some of the students were standing while others were sitting.

Everybody was doing his or her own thing due to the change of lesson. "Today, we have government and we are going to study the topic "Democracy" "the teacher said.

She proceeded to write "Democracy" on the white board. "Democracy is a system of government that the people of a country are allowed to make their own decisions including the selection of their own leaders.
It can be either directly or indirectly."

She began to lecture them. "It is also defined by Abraham Lincoln, the former American President as "The government of the people for people and by the people ....."

She rattled on. It was in the middle of the lesson and everybody was attentive.

Some were even jotting down some of the vital points the lecturer said. All this while,

Derry was not paying attention. He was busily reading the letter he took from his locker before. Mostly he had no desire whatsoever to read letters but for the first time the name of the letter made him curious "Derry!" The teacher called.
I know you already know what I'm teaching but please don't do a different thing, at least concentrate a bit.

What was the last statement I said?" The teacher asked.

"You said" Derry began to speak. "Democracy can be direct when the electorates vote for the government officials into power themselves but it is indirect when the electorates elect officials to form an electoral college who then vote for the government officials into power."

The students including the teacher were shocked because he was not paying attention but has been able to say it exactly.

"Still pay attention else I will punish you" the teacher warned. Derry from then paid attention until the lesson was over.

There no lesson after that until lunch so there was enough time for everybody to do whatever he she deemed right.

There was this girl who kept looking at Derry.
He could see she was expecting him to say something so he went to the front of the class and deliberately demanded who sent him the letter with fake smiles even though he knew who sent the letter.

Meanwhile to the people, that smile was his first smile ever.
They were taken aback but loved his smile.
The girl was so happy that she almost run to hug him but Derry gave her a pause even before she could touch him.

He called another girl who gladly came.
He asked the girl to read the letter to the hearing of everybody without omitting any of the mistakes.

Derry went to sit down while the girl read the letter including the mistakes. The whole class laughed at Zell who stood before the class ashamed.

Derry then insulted her and warned her never to cross his way again.

Zell almost got out when Leona Damson, whose head was on the table all this while became angry and stood up to him.

This was the first time, somebody has been able to stand up to him, a girl for that mater "who do you think you are?"

Leona barked angrily. "Because you are intelligent, good looking, genius and whatever you think you are, you think can just walk on everybody like that?

You think you can just treat everybody badly? Let me remind you, you are nobody so bring yourself down.

This arrogance will not take you anywhere.
And let me tell you that, the people you meet while going are the same people you meet while coming.
Heartless being!!!"

Leona said and walked out with zell. Derry was shocked dumbfounded

Everybody admired Leona for her

bravery and at the same time



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