The Elevator Shaft

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Hiiiiii, I'm writing this for Juumca so yeah.
Jay this is so bad sorryyyyy, yours was better tbh. Ok just read pls, thanks.

"Hamilton!" Alex ran into his boss' office, closing the door quickly behind him.
"Ye-yes sir." The boy pushed his glasses up as he sat down in front of his boss.
"Where are those reports I asked for the other day?" Alexander shuffled through the stack of papers and folders he had in his hand and pulled out three files.
"There you go sir," Mr. Jones snatched them out of the young boy's hand. He opened them up and read through them quickly.
"These aren't that bad considering that they're late." Alex cowered into his seat. "Alright, give these to my secretary then get back to work. I've got a meeting I need to be at." Hamilton nodded hastily then sped walked out of the office. He needed to be two floors under for some more paperwork. He ran over to the nearest elevator and waited.

John Laurens sat at his desk, reading through the news paper as usual. He had his feet kicked up to make himself more comfortable. A soft knock came from his office door. John immediately put his feet down and threw the paper into an open drawer.
"Come in." The door creaked open and revealed a short red head. She gave John a half smile then walked in.
"Good afternoon Mr. Laurens." John nodded back to her as a reply. "So, um, I came because the phone at my desk isn't working. And I'd like to request for it to be replaced." John smiled at the girl.
"Charlie it's fine, I'll have you a new one when you arrive tomorrow." Charlie nodded her head.
"Oh John, thanks." She smiled again. John checked his watch then grabbed his coat.
"Here I'll get the door, I gotta be home soon." He held the door open for Charlie then followed after. His best friend would be over tonight so he needed to be home quick. He ran over to the nearest elevator and pressed the button to go down.

There was a ding before the door opened. Alexander stepped inside and greeted the man who was already in it.
"Afternoon," Alex looked at the man and greeted back. After that the doors closed and the two stood in silence. They glanced at each other occasionally then looked away.
The elevator jolted to a stop, causing the man to bump into Alex.
"What the hell, I'm sorry." The man stuck out his hand. "Laurens, John Laurens."
"Alexander Hamilton." Alex shook John's hand with a slight smile. The elevator made a screeching noise before dropping down a little more. "That can't be good, right?"
"Yeah no, do you have a phone on you?" Alexander nodded. John reached out to push the alarm button. The alarm didn't go off like it was supposed to.
"Well um, we're screwed." John looked over at the other man and threw a sarcastic smile. His brow came to a furrow soon after.
"Hey I think I've seen you around before." Alex looked up, his face was red.
"You have?" He toyed with his fingers.
"Yeah," a smirk played at the business man's face. "You're the guy I always catch checking me out. I gotta say you picked a good someone to spy on." Alexander's face went completely red at his words.
"Oh sir I am so sorry, please forgive me I-"
"Now wait a minute, you're not the only one who's been spying. You're pretty cute." John's hand started to make its way toward's Alexander's
"Oh, well um..." Alex watched as John's face drew nearer, his lips looked plump. He went to lean in.
The elevator dinged and started to move upward, causing both men to stop in their tracks. They looked at each other hesitantly then pulled away. A few moments later the elevator door opened to reveal a few firefighters. They escorted the two men out of the elevator.
"Mr. Laurens! Oh god, are you alright?" Charlie ran over to her boss. He rubbed the back of his neck with a faint smile.
"Yes I'm alright, thank you Miss Stevens." He looked back at Alexander who was all alone and very flustered. "Would you please excuse me." He walked towards the shorter man and smiled.
"Oh Jo- Mr. Laurens. Hi," Alex smiled him. John looked around quickly then pulled out a card and handed it to him.
"It's the only thing that I had in me that has my number on it. Give me a call would ya?" Then he walked away. Alexander watched as he walked towards the stairs, with Charlie at his side. He sighed softly to himself before heading to the stairs himself. And when he got him, he'd give John a call.

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