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       "John what the hell are you doing?" Alex looked up at his boyfriend who was making heart eyes at his phone.
       "Mhm ok." the taller man softly tossed his phone on the bed. "What?"
       Alex shook head as he went to sit next to his boyfriend. He rested his head on John's shoulder and smiled. "We need food."
       John shrugged then got up, causing Alex to fall over. 
       "You love me." John grabbed his wallet and shoved it into his back pocket. "You coming?" he turned around. "Oh god do I have to carry you?"
       Alexander winked. "Mmm, maybe." He watched as his boyfriend gave him and eye roll so hard his eyes could've popped out of his head.
       John shuffled back to the bed, he threw a glare at Alex. He smiled. With a sigh he picked his boyfriend up and rested him on his shoulder. He heard him giggle under his breath. "I hate you Hamilton."
       "I hate you more Laurens."

       John's wrangler pulled into the parking lot of a Vons. Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees filled the air. The engine's purrs faded as he parked the car. 
       Alex turned to face John, his face was filled with angst. "Please remind me to never let you play songs  any earlier than 1990." He shut the radio off. 
       "That was my Jam," John flipped his hair sassily. "I'm offended."
       Alex kept a straight face as he left the car, slamming the door behind him. The other man let his shoulders fall then got out of the car. His and Alexander's hands connected immediately after, as they always did whenever they were in public. 
       The doors opened, letting the two men in without a hassle. John let Alex go and ran towards the shopping carts. He pushed one back and gave his lover a mischievous look.
       "Oh no."
       "Oh yes."
       Alex took the cart from John with a heavy sigh. He watched as the taller man climbed into the cart, it was terrible. John looked over his shoulder and smirked. Alex rolled his eyes then began to push the cart towards the produce section.
       "I wanna get avocados. And some Hawaiian rolls, and maybe some coke." John counted out a list of things with his fingers.
       "I thought I was the one who was supposed to be listing shit." John ignored his boyfriend and kept saying random foods and beverages. Alex pushed past the bakery as he made his way to the sodas.
       "Wait!" Alex stopped and looked down to shoot a glare at John. Other customers looked at them judgmentally. Alex blushed slightly. 
       "What the hell was that?" John didn't answer, so he followed his stares. He was eyeing the bakery. "No," he pinched the arch of his nose. "no no no."
       "Onward, to the cupcakes! Start pushin', chauffeur!" 
       "John, please, you're going to get us kicked out of the grocery store." Alexander sighed "For the billionth time..." He looked back at all the employees and customers who stared at them. His face was almost bright red.
       "Now driver-" the cart started towards the boxes of cupcakes, John's eyes widened in delight. "Oh god, yes." He whispered. Alex smacked his forehead in embarrassment. 
       The cart stopped in front of the pile of sugar, John jumped out immediately. He didn't even look at the boxes, he just started to pile them in next to all the other stuff that was in there.
       "John, have some self-control for god's sake." Alex grabbed John's arms.
       "But what if the world ends, we'll need food." John looked down at his boyfriend.
       "Laurens we can't survive off of crap. Now put them back, you're embarrassing me." Alexander started to put the boxes back. John didn't help him, he was too busy pouting like a child. 
       "No fair," laurens grumbled "I'd let you have them." John could almost feel Alex's eye roll.
       Hamilton had left two boxes in the cart, he didn't want to appear completely evil to the freckled man. He pushed the cart to self checkout, not wanting to interact with any other human beings. John helped him put everything in the bags they'd brought. Alex didn't talk to John the entire time, from the store doors to the car doors.
       "Ham," no answer. "Haaaaaam" Alex shut the trunk and got into the passenger's seat. "Alexander Hamilton, I will not start this car until you talk to me."
       Alex cracked a smile then chuckled. "You're an idiot, you now that." John nodded his head. "I love you for that, you fucking idiot." 
       John smiled then leaned down to kiss Alex. Yeah, he was an idiot, but he was Alex's idiot. So that was ok.

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