chapter 10

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It was a week, a week since my separation with Irene. It was a week living with...Taehyung. To be honest, it was the most relaxing and loving week I've ever had. Taehyung was so gentle and social. I got to know him better, his tastes, his dislikes, his secrets except one thing...a very important one, his family.

All these days he never have mention about his family, not even his mother...i know what his history and relationship with his family because other people have told me about his past, but i wanna hear it from him. Not from different people that twist and change the story about what actually happen.

Im afraid, yes im terrified to ask him about such a delicate theme. But curiosity and worry has been getting me. I just don't wan't to be lied again and i don't want him getting hurt either...


We where in the garden, he was reading a book under the sun while i was walking admiring the garden. The day was so beautiful and peaceful and the sun warm and colorful.

"It's been such a long time since i watch those flowers bloom such beautiful colors" he said closing his book, i turned around to look at him walking my way. He stood behind me and picked a crimson red rose. I could feel his breath hitting the back of my head.

"I think they're happy to see you" i was a little confused and i turned around to be face to face with him.

"Who the roses?"

"Yes, I've never seen them be this beautiful" he said looking at me. He had the rose close to his lips, it was such a beautiful sight, he had a flirty smirk, he looked so manly but at the same time so delicate and romantic.

"O-oh" i said blushing looking at the ground.

"Jungkook, you're so beautiful" he whispered and he caressed my cheek slyly making me unconsciously lean on his hand and close my eyes.

"You're so warm" i said feeling the warmth of his hand. He was warm, he was peace, he was home.

He grab the rose and put it in my front pocket. He flashed a warm smiled. And i lost it, i couldn't control myself and kissed him. The kiss was slow and passionate. He grab me by the waist pulling me closer to him. I caressed his hair as he caressed my bum. I moaned by the sudden touch and he smirked through the kiss.

"Your moans are so pretty, Jungkook" I hit him in the shoulder and he started laughing. I looked at him and oh my God he was a ray of sunshine he looked so happy and relax.

"You make me so happy, Taehyung" i said in a daze admiring his features and caressing his cute mullet.

"Jungkook..." He said and i hummed as an answer.

"Be mine, forever" he said hugging me making small circles on my back.

"Taehyung...i want to but..."

"But, what?

"Let's move out, i accept if you move out of this house Taehyung" he stopped hugging and glared at me. He me i though to myself.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I said hurt and offended.

"Im sorry Jungkook i won't leave the house" he said in a cold tone.


"Im not gonna talk about this right now, Jungkook"

"Taehyung i am!" i said raising my voice. He looked shocked and lowerd his head.

"Talk to me Taehyung please! I know you are hurting stop pretending that you're fine because you are not!" i yelled almost crying.

"Jungkook please don't push my patience..." he whispered

"No i won't stop until you tell me what is going on with you and this house" i yelled, at this point i was very pissed. My tears didn't stop, and i was shaking out of anger.

"Shut up SHUT UP" he yelled and slapped me...

I lost my consciousness and saw white for a couple of seconds by the impact and i fell on the floor. I felt a strong and painful sting in my cheek. I was in total shock, a million thoughs and bad memories crossed my mind about that familiar sting. I could hear Taehyung calling me and kissing me desperately on the face . I couldn't feel his touches, his voice sounded distant, i was in a daze.



"JUNGKOOK PLEASE" I came back to my senses and saw a crying and messed up Taehyung grabing me by the head and saying multiple sorry's while sobbing uncontrollably. I was holding my tears and looking at him straight in the eye. Now i was the one glaring at him...

"leave..." i whispered a couple of tears escaping my eyes.

"Jungkook plea-"

"I don't want to see you, leave, now" i said in a cold tone ignoring him.

"Im sorry a-and you..." he whispered the last part while standing up walking inside the house. I looked at the rose that now was crushed into pieces on the grass.

I felt someone staring at me, a feeling of being watch came into my senses but couldn't find the identity. I looked up, and saw the same maid that greeted me the first time i came here, she was the one who glared at me in our first encounter. I saw her on the 3 floor window looking down on me smirking, and then walking away.

"Now i know who is messing with Taehyung..." i though to myself looking at the broken rose infront of me...

witch? 👀

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