Mina and Bakugou's outfit poll

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(A/n: here goes the outfit poll for Bakugou and Mina)

{Video: the camera focuses on a blonde boy with his hair down up close and a pink girl with fluffy hair in the background unpacking.
"Hey guys! So Kaminari read our minds today and thought it would be fun to do a poll for what outfit we were going to wear soo... Yeah!! But before anything Mina thought it would be a good idea to have time to ourselves and take me ,somewhere to probably caus me to suffer in some way. But she is going to take me somewhere while vlogging and me blindfolded so... I hope I don't die... " Bakugou smiled awkwardly and then it cuts to Mina holding the camera while guiding Bakugou to the salon.
(I put a salon in here because why the hell not)
It's shows them entering the salon Bakugou still blindfolded.
"Okay Bakugou. I need you to sit slowly when I tell you okay?? " Mina said.
"Got it, " Bakugou responded curiously.
They led him in front a chair
"Okay now sit down slowly, " She said as the worker there actually looked like they were going to laugh.
Mina showed the guy who was going to do his nails a photo on how she wanted Bakugou's nails to look. He nodded and looked towards Bakugou who was still blindfolded.
"Okay. Take of the blindfold and if you leave I'll leak a video you told me not to leak," She said as he took of his blindfold with a weird look on his face. Once he looked around he saw it was a salon and made a (._.) Face.
"Why do you do this to me? " He asked.
"It's fun, " She replied.
"OKAY HAVE FUN WHILE I GET MY NAILS DONE RIGHT THERE! " She pointed to the booth right in front of them.
"BTW I already chose your style and what colors, " She said as the camera was placed in front of Bakugou.
The worker laughed and was speaking Korean to another person about how cute the two high school students were.
"Ah. gomabseubnida, " Bakugou said in a different language with a weird accent.
(A/n: gomabseubnida means thank you.. I think)
The worker looked at him in shocked and then asked in English.
"Jeez. You know Korean, " He asked.
"Yeah. I can speak many languages but as you could probably tell I have a weird accent in them, " Bakugou replied.
"That's cool. So that means your bilingual? " The worker asked.
"Does that mean I can speak different languages? " Bakugou asked.
"Yeah. Fluently too, " The worker said.
"I only know a few fluently. A lot of them I am having trouble with. Like French and Chinese, " Bakugou said.
"Ahh~ are you like a nerd of some sort? " The worker cooed.
Bakugou blushed a bit and nodded.
"I read a lot of books on other countries and decide to learn them but i think UA teaches english, to be honest I'm not sure that's the only class I don't have due to me being able to speak it already, " Bakugou said.
"Cool. Okay your nails are done. Just sit there for about five minutes for the nails to dry and I think your friend is almost done. In the mean time wanna keep talking? " The worker said.
"Sure. So what languages do you know? " Bakugou asked as the fan was placed in front of his hands.
" I just know Korean, Spanish and English a bit of French and German. Oh and Japanese. I really like Asian culture. Kpop is great, " The worker said.
"Holy shit I love kpop. I love bts, exo, got7 and black pink and all of them!! Like I am such a fanboy about kpop! " Bakugou exclaimed with a bright smile
"I know right. I go to their fan meetings whenever I can!" The worker said.
"Oh my god me too!! " Bakugou exclaimed again.
"Here let's exchange numbers and we can talk sometime and we could totally go to a fan meeting or like be sad we can't go to a concert together, " The worker said.
"Sure I would totally be up for that. I'm Bakugou by the way, " Bakugou said as he held his hand out.
"Sup I'm Jackson. Hope we can get to know each other more, " He said as he took the hand to shake it.
They both exchanged numbers and was about part ways when Bakugou realized the camera was in front of him the whole time.
"Oh.. I guess Mina left it, " Bakugou said.
Bakugou grabbed the camera and bowed to Jackson saying their goodbyes as Mina and Bakugou left the salon. The camera starts to shake a lot as the next view is of Mina holding the camera and bakugou to her side.
"Okay guys so me and Bakugou just got our nails done and here are the looks. Mine are these cute pink ones with different patterns and they are so cute~

 Mine are these cute pink ones with different patterns and they are so cute~

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Bakugou's nails are really hot actually, bakugou show them.
Um.. These are mine. They are a dark blue with one of my fingers gold.. So yeah" He finished as he held his hands to the camera and the view is of Mina and Bakugou's newly done nails.

As they are walking through the hotel they get hungry and decide to stop by an eat

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As they are walking through the hotel they get hungry and decide to stop by an eat. After that they go back to the hotel room and Mina is still holding the camera while bakugou actually puts out his two options of outfits.
They both sit on the edge of his bed and Mina places the camera on the night stand and start speaking.
"Okay so we are gonna post on our Instagram stories our outfits and stuff and then wear them tomorrow. Sounds good? " Bakugou asked and Mina replied with a small nod and a smile.
So they both go on their phones for a minute and then start talking.
"Okay so we posted as you can see, " Mina said as she along with bakugou showed their polls.
"So I guess we wait a bit.. " Bakugou said.
A little Montague of them doing nothing or moving around is played and then they continue.
"Okay so for my poll I asked to choose between a cute black collared kitty dress with black kitty wedges and a pink alien turtle neck with a pink overall skirt and pink ice cream shoes. And a lot of you said that I should wear my second outfit so I am gonna wear my pink alien turtle neck and pink overall skirt with my ice cream high tops, " Mina said excitedly who was now looking at Bakugou to do his.
"Okay so.. Um.. Okay so haha for my poll I had to chose between a sort of light gray turtle neck with black jeans and a cardigan along with small heeled boots and the second outfit is a light grey type sweatshirt along with black ripped jeans and white and white shoes, "bakugou finished.
They both look at their phones and looked back at their outfits. They both shrugged with a smile.
" So most of you chose for me to wear my second outfit choice. Which was the pink alien turtle neck and pink overall skirt and the ice cream high tops, " Mina said excitedly to the camera.
"For mine most of you chose the first outfit.  Which consisted of a gray turtle neck, black jeans, black boots and a white cardigan.  And as a little touch I guess I will be bringing a black Cat ears hat and cat mini backpack, " Bakugou said. 
"Okay guys so that was the first night here in the hotel, " Mina said. 
"We will see y'all tomorrow and have a wonderful night or day lovelies, " Bakugou said. :
Video end }
--------------------------------------- Fuck... I don't even know where to start... Dudes I'm sorryyyy. I don't even remember the last time I fucking posted.  Well since it's summer I should have more time to post so yeah.  Thank you for all the support and dealing with me. Oh and lastly if the outfit isn't right you can imagine they are wearing the option you wanted. Okay..Peace.

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