Universal Studios Hollywood

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{Video start:
The video started to blurry and then focused to see Mina holding the camera pointing it to a line of people.
"Hey guys so right now bakubean and shindo are getting our tickets because they are the only ones to actually speak English. So we are just waiting to them to get back, " Mina speaks as the camera view is turned around to selfie mode and it shows kirishima and kaminari playing around.

"Okay guys we got the tickets we need to get in line there but i don't know if you can exactly record, " Bakugou said.

"See y'all in a second! " Mina exclaimed and the camera blacked out. A second later it showed them all again waving and saying hello.

"So guys this is universal! We are so excited to see everything he-
HOLY SHIT IT'S A HARRY POTTER RIDE! " The camera shows bakugou saying while shaking shindo.

"We'll meets you there! " Says bakugou as he grabs shindo's hand (since he was the closest) and ran towards the Hogwarts themed part of the park. Everyone stood dumbfounded but slowly recovered and ran. The camera shows bakugou and shindo in front still running all the way to the big castle.

The camera shows them in a big line and continues as it shows the whole castle. They finally get to the ride and it was kinda hard to get on since it was dark and for the floor moving so it shows a few figures in the dark trying to get to their seats as quickly as possible. They buckle down and get pumped.

"Y'all ready for this! " Mina yelled.
The whole group yelled "YEAH! " after the ride they had looked around the part of the park. The camera shows bakugou leading everyone around. They ended up at Flich's Emporium. They looked around the outside of the store then smiled at the camera and all entered. Bakugou , kaminari, mina and shindo were the big harry potter fans, this shown with Mina giving the camera to sero because when she left the camera turned to Kirishima as he laughed. Mina ended up getting a Gryffindor v neck t shirt and sweater. Kaminari ended up getting a Hufflepuff sweater and land yard. Shindo and bakugou both got Slytherin sweaters, t shirts and scarfs.

They had left the store and decided to make their way to the Simpsons ride. They wait a while and the screen is faced with the little animation of the clown explains. It's finally their turn and is lead to a small room, which they had to wait a few minutes in. Then they are led to the cart(?) They wait a second before the ride starts. You can hear screaming (because they extra). After that they went to see their picture, which ended up with everyone buying one for themselves.

The camera shows all of them walking around to the Universal Studios tour. After what seemed like a bit they had gotten on which was mina of the right side of the tram, then kaminari, sero, kirishima, shindo, then bakugou. They went back to the Simpsons attraction and down the escalator. The camera showed the view of the whole downstairs' attractions.

"So what should we do. Should we eat and then ride or ride then eat? " Mina asked.

"I say we ride first, " Kirishima said.
"Yeah I agree. Less puking that way, " Bakugou said as shindo agrees by nodding his head.

They first headed towards the Jurassic park ride. They had brought some rain coats so they wouldn't get wet.

When they got in the cart the order was, Kirishima (left) bakugou(middle) and shindo (right) in the first row and Mina(left) kaminari (middle) and sero (right) in the row behind them. The ride had gotten them pumped up when they got towards the raptors. They were going up and suddenly the T rex roars loudly and they go down rapidly smiling yet screaming.
When they hit the bottom, I'd not wearing the rain coats, bakugou,Kirishima and shindo would gotten soaked while Mina ,kaminari,and sero were wet but not that much due to their luck.

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