Hi, I'm Alex!!!!!!

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   Alex looked up at the school he had been in his whole life. He had no idea that every person that he laughed with at the jokes he made that made no sense judged him. He wasn't aware that all the girls talked about him. He didn't know that the boys all hated his guts.
     He just knew that today was going to be a good day. That today would be the day that he felt like he belonged.

   Eliza, the head cheerleader, snickered as he started to pass her.

   "Hey, Eliza! What's up?'' Alex yelled a little too loudly, and awkwardly high fived her. He smiled, everyone was aware that he had a mental disability, and often they misused their higher thinking against him.

(Hi, I know you guys don't mind if I break the forth wall, so here's what this is about: ANGER AND TEARS WARNING!!!!)

   "Hey, Alex, you know Mia, right?" Eliza asked, which wasn't much of a question, for everyone knew Mia. "She told me that she really wanted you to kiss her." Mia was the prettiest girl in the whole school.

    "Really?!" Alex asked, his eyes aglow with the thought.

   "Yes, really, she can't wait. You really should go kiss her now."

   "Okay!" Alex said, his sweet innocence blocking his way of perceiving things once again. He picked his backpack up and put it on both shoulders and walked over to Mia.

   "Hi, Alex. Whatcha doing?" Mia asked, smiling sweetly. Mia was the total opposite of Eliza, where Eliza was evil and rude, Mia was sweet and understanding. She understood that Alex was special. That was totally chill with her.

   Yet, even she was unprepared for what Alex did.

   He swept her up off of her feet, and looked deep within her eyes. Then he slowly, but surely put his face closer to hers..... and kissed her.

   "Alex, put me down!" Mia yelled, trying desperately to get out of his arms. "Alex! I don't like you that way!"

   He watched her as she screamed and twisted to get away from her. He was suddenly confused. Eliza said Mia wanted him to kiss her. If that was true, then why was she acting like this?

~~~~~~Time Skip cause I can~~~~~~~

  "ALEXANDER HAMPTON REPORT TO THE  PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!" Alex looked up at the sound of his name. Nobody called him Alexander. Only his mother when she was drunk or his father when he was home. This had to be bad.

   Alex hurried down the hallway with his backpack in his arms. He couldn't think of anything that would send him to the office...... expect the kiss with Mia. He sat down just as his mother, of whom was sober for once, walked in.

   As the principal spoke, Mr. Vorhees was his name (Jason Vorhees to be exact), Alex's mother didn't say anything, she just sat there and stared at the floor. Alex noted that she was crying, but he couldn't do anything to stop it without being scolded, so he sat in silence, too.

   "Alexander, why did you kiss Mia?" Mr. Vorhees's voice was softer when he spoke to Alex.

   "Eliza said that she wanted me to," Alex explained, his voice still extremely bright and happy.

  "Which Eliza?" Mr. Vorhees asked.

   "Eliza........... I don't know her last name, Mr. Vorhees. I just know who she is."

   "Would you care to point her out to me?" Mr. Vorhees asked yet another question.

   "Ummmmmmm..... There she is!" Alex said, pointing at Eliza Vorhees.

   "That's her?" Mr. Vorhees asked, surprised by Alex's allegations against his daughter.

   "Yep!" Alex said, not a hint of doubt in his voice.

   Mr. Vorhees checked the cameras, and sure enough, there was the beginning of the incident.

   "So it appears that you were correct, Alexander. However, we cannot allow this to go unpunished. We have an email address to a girl in China who we want you to email every day. She will help you, Alexander, and maybe you can help her in some way."

   "Okay!" Alex said, taking the address. He skipped his way back to class.

~~~Time Skip cause I don't like to write about school~~~

   Alex sat down at his computer and started his first letter to this girl, apparently her name was Alice. This is what he wrote:

       Deer ALICE***,

   How *** nice too meat u. I lives in America.... My freind Eliza get me in truoble todoy, soo this is why I rite u. I'm 1sixteen6 and are an freshmen..

  Me princepal, JASON VORHEES, said this riting u would help me be an good person... thank u for reading.

   Plz rite bark.

            With Love,

With a smile on his face, he hit send, and hoped his new penpal would write back.

Hey, my beautiful Crazies! I hope you guys didn't get too mad at me. I added the tears warning because I have friends who cry once they get to a certain level of rage. I hope you enjoyed the beginning of the story. Alice's part is coming soon.

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