Chapter 14: Who is babysitting?

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Hey everyone! Happy (late) New Year! Sorry for the wait I was at Las Vegas, NV visiting family for a while. I wish you all a great year! On with the story!


The little skeleton was just laughing from Classic's puns and jokes. "Heh it's nice to act have someone who appreciates my rib tickling puns." Classic winked with his right eye chuckling. The small skeleton just laughed louder falling onto the ground starting to cry tears of joy. "I like you already Class! Oh! You guys finally caught up! Class is so funny! Do you guys have any jokes? You gotta I mean except Blue I know you hate jokes." The small skeleton said giggling as for Blue was completely disappointed knowing that now he would have to put up with puns for the whole day or two.

Error groaned quietly as he didn't enjoy puns as much as well. "Oh! Yay I learned something new today! Not only you have haphephobia and you love making and playing with dolls but you also dislike jokes! EEEEEEEE!" the small skeleton screamed in joy smiling just being an energetic ball of bones. "Ok well I can't handle an energy ball like her Dream you watch her while I get something for my migraine." Nightmare groaned walking to the kitchen. "Oh I'm not really... Ok... How to take care of a kid? Uhhh..." Dream said thinking.

"Heh. I'll help you Dream." Error said kissing Dream's cheek smiling. Dream purred smiling in reassurance and kissed Error's cheek back as a thank you.

"Guys as you were being lovey dovey the kid just went through... A wall... What is that kid made of?" Ink said completely confused seeing the entire thing himself. "Oh boy... This is going to be hard." Error said now looking for the skeleton while Dream helped him.

"Okay while they are busy... We have to make plans on how to stop this other creator from possibly destroying everything. Maybe even life itself from how bad the other one said he is." Ink said now passing back and forth thinking. "Maybe we can just capture them? Or something?" Blue said questioningly. Ink thought and BING! came an idea into his skull. "Brilliant Blue! I know exactly what we need to capture this creator!" Ink said smiling summoning a hand held mirror. "Uhhh... How is a mirror going to help us Ink?" Blue questioned tilting his head.

"Oh ho my dear friend this is no ordinary mirror! This mirror was used currently to keep a creator inside but since they died from an unknown cause we can use this to trap that bad creator in it! Then either me or Error can put a magical barrier around the object so the creator won't be able to use any of it's magic against us! Blue thank you for giving me that idea!" Ink smiling being the crazy and ridiculous god of creation once again. "Uh. Welcome! I think?" Blue said really confused on what Ink's entire plan is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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