Don't Worry

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I threw my shoes across the room. I can't believe it! I just for back from hunting and I have to get ready for the reaping. Why? Why does this stuff have to happen?! Every year, a boy and a girl from each district, mine being District 7, gets chosen to fight to the death. This year was my little sister, MacKenzie's first year. I could hear her crying in her room. I ran up there.

"Hey." I said. I rubbed her back trying to comfort her.

"Why?!" She asked. I knew what she meant.

"I don't know." I said sniffling. Last year, I had lost my best friend Lauren in these games. I can't get it our of my mind. I remember watching the screen as I saw the knives go into her chest and another one through her heart. It hurts me every time I think about it.

"What if I turn out like Lauren?" She asked me puffy eyed.

"You're not going to get picked! Ok?! Don't worry!" I yelled at her.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" She screamed.

"Kenzie, even if you do, I will go for you." I said.

"No!" She yelled and hugged me.

"Come on Kenz, we have to get ready." I said standing up. I picked out her nice clothes and layed them out on our bed.

"Go get in the tub and wash off, then get ready and put your nice clothes on." I told her.

She nodded and walked into the bathroom. Our mother and father had been killed by the Capitol two years back. It kills me to think about it. Once we had gotten all ready, we walked to the center of our District. After everyone was here, Luna, the one who does the reeping every year, walks on stage.

"Hello! Hello!" She cheered.

"Welcome to the 67'th Annual Hunger Games!"

"Let's start with the girls now shall we?" She asked. Obviously no one answered. This all happened after we watched the video about war, and blah, blah, blah. She reached her hand into the bowl.

I couldn't believe it when she said it. She said her name.

"MacKenzie Ziegler." She said as she smiled.

"No." I whispered.

"No, no, no, no!" I yelled louder each time.


"Um.." Luna said.

"I VOLUNTEER! I volunteer as tribute!!!" I screamed.

"No! Maddie don't!" Kenzie screamed as the guards took her away.

"Well! I do believe we have a volunteer!" She said cheery.

"Now, tell me dear, what's your name"

Madison. Madison Ziegler." I said.

"Now, and I bet that was your little sister right there, now, wasn't it?" She questioned.

"Yes." I breathed into the mic.

"Ok! Fabulous! And now for the boys!" She said happily.

She reached her hand into the bowl.

"Bart Hartley." She said.

He was the wimpy boy that everyone beat up at school.

"Well, now that we have our tributes, let's give them a hand now, why don't we?"

They led us each into seperate rooms. Sooner, MacKenzie ran in. She ran into my arms.

"Kenzie!" I yelled as I hugged her as right as I possibly could.

"I will win! I will win this for you!"

"No! You will win this for the both of us!" She said in between sniffs.

"Alright times up!!" The guard yelled while he pulled her out of the room.

"No! Kenzie!! I love you so much! Don't lose hope! I will win!" I screamed trying to escape out of the room to her. By now I was out of tears. I can't believe this is happening.

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