Not Again

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"Nia! Put on your pair of good clothes and get ready!" My mom yelled at me.

"Mom. You and I both know that all of my clothes are good." I told her. It was true. Like, obviously they all are!

"Nia!" My mom yeled.

"What?! We both know it's true!" I yelled.

I changed into the best pair of clothes I had.

"You know, I'm going to vounteer this year." I said.

"No, your'e not." She stated.

"Yes. I am. And you can't stop me or change my mind." I said and walked down to the center of District 11. The person that does the reaping every year cam onto the change. I already have to much on my mid, so I couldn't really care what the guy's name is. He started with the boys this year. 'And the wimpy one to loose this year is!' I thought in my head.

"Asher Dotson." This loser boy walked up on stagr crying. 'Yep! He's tottaly going to make it this year!' i said sarcastically to myself. When they called the girl I couldn't believe it wasn't me! Ughh!!!

"I VOLUNTEER!!!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could.

She drug me on stage. They brought us up into seperate rooms. My mom ran in. I was expecting a hug, but nope! I GOT SMACKED IN THE FACE!!

"Why did you do this?!" She asked me in between sniffs.

"Because mom, I know I can win!" I yelled.

They dragged her out of the room before I could even say I loved her.

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