Untitled Part 6

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Hooo everyone...i am sooo sorry for the late....but at first a very happy new year to all of u......i am really screwed up with my internship....they r drawing blood out of my vains in name of work ...sooo i hope u will forgive me...me....

Let's start....

At GADODIA house.....

Sheekar is roaming here and there in tension....

Swa:papa hat happened??y r u doing March fast in January??😁😁

She:stop joking shona....ur jokes also r worst like ur moms....no timing sence at all....

Swa:papaa.....now tell what happened??ur this daughter is there naa....she will help u....

She tells swara that sanskar is loving ragini and he said that he will help him .....

She:but i am not getting any idea....

Swa:i knew it papa...i knew it.....i felt something is seriously cooking my back.....and i am soo happy for ragini.... sanskar is soooo good....u don't worry papa...i will make ragini realize that sankar loves her soo much.....

Swa leaves thinking.....

Shekar smiles

Swara beta....if u r swara....then i am ur baap..... i know u will unite them...thats y i didn't tell u that ragini already Love's sanskar.....now let's watch the fun.....

At evening....

All maheshwaries and gadodias meet to keep marriage date.....

Rag:pandit ji take earlier date....my sister is dying to become bride soon.....

Swa blushes hardly while lak gets much irritated....

Lak:arrey ragini....leave about swara...when will u get married??u r elder to her na.... actually u should get married first.....but unfortunately...

San,she opens their mouths to reply bit

Rag:u don't worry about me lak....i realized that marriage should happen when u get some one whom u love...not when age is growing or younger sister is married first....swara got u so she is going to marry ...when i get some one i love then i will marry too...so stop taking my tension and be happy at ur wedding....

Lak goes from their being irritated with her answer....

Swa: ragini.....

Rag: sorry shona...i shouldn't have talked to lucky like that.....

Swa:arrey i didn't call u for that yaar....he is ur jijaji...and u have that right okk....

Rag:smiles and hugs her ...

Swa: anyways... lets see.... whether u will marry first or sanskar.....

San gets 1000watt jerk listening to two different marriages....and cough's badly....

Seeing his face rag smiles inwards and try hard to stop that smile on her face....

She gives swara a "i am proud of you"expression....

At maheshwari mansion.....

All r sitting together for dinner....

Suj:DP bhaisab....i took one decision today... 

Dp:what is that much important decision sujatha that ur discussing at dining place ..

Suj:r u going to do my son's wedding or not??if not i am going to take him and go to my maika....

San:spits all the food hearing the sudden attack of his mother....

San:maaa what r u talking.....y shadi for me....

Suj:yy means??u r also a men and u have to marry....and i have already taken this decision that's it....

AP:okk sujatha...we will search a good bride for sanskar too.... very soon....ok??

Suj:nooo jiji...no need to search ...i have fixed someone and i want her as my bahu that's it....

San:maa u can't do this.... I don't want to marry..... please let me live peacefully....y r u rubbing ur wishes on me ....

Suj: I don't know all that sanskar....i said u naa...i have decided....

DP:but sujatha.....he is saying he don't want to marry now ..then y r u forcing himm....

Suj: angrily gets up and says ... don't tell me all those things bhaisab.... tommorow morning u go and talk to shekar ji and fix ragini as my bahu.... that's it....

Saying this she goes to her room and closes door.....

AP:san beta don't worry ..i will talk to sujatha and make her understand....

San who is in shock till now listening it is ragini whom his mother selected was happy and sad that listening to what AP said.....

All were leaving to their rooms after this drama 

San:one minute badepapa.....i don't want to hurt my mother anymore....so if ahe finds happiness in wedding....then i am ready.....

DP:no need to sacrifice ur dreams sanskar beta....u can marry when u wish....

San:gets angry inside....

San pov.  

When i said i don't want to marry then everyone listened to me ....now when i am saying i want it...y r they hell bent in their words.....

San:noo badepapa ....i really don't have any problem....u can talk to shekar uncle tommorow....

Saying this he also goes up to his room and closes door....

AP sighs......like mother like son.....

Precap:full mess

😋😋😋 I know i know.....this is utterly crap....but plzzz bear it....

Lods of love...

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