Untitled Part 7

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Hloooo everyone.... hope u all doing well....love u all sooo much...

Let's start......

Everyone gathers at gadodia mansion....

Parvathi:what is it DP ji....that u wanted to talk to us soo important....

DP:wohhhh.... Parvathi ji.... matter is......we wanted to ask ragini's hand for our sanskar.....if u don't have any problem.....

Par:i am sooo happy DP ji..... sanskar is very good.....we all like him soo much......my ladooo is very lucky......

(Neither swaragin or sanlak are present there)

She:maaa.... wait maa...... sorry DP ji....my daughter is loving someone else....and she said she can't marry anyone else......

AP:ohhhh.... with dull face.....who is that shekar ji.....who is that lucky boy???

She:i am sorry AP ji...even i don't know who it is.....but she said she is waiting for him to propose her.....once it happens...i will let u all know.....

With sad faces they all leave to  their home.....

Ragsan and swalak are watching a movie.....

Two seats where in one row and two are the next row back to it......

Lak saw this and took ragini's hand in his saying come,we will sit back.....

Both swa and san gets shocked to see it......

Rag:arrey jijaji once see back whose hand u r holding......

Lak gets irritated and leaves her hand.....

Swa pov

Its dark right so he might get confused with her......

Swalak sits back and ragsan sits in front seat....

(Actually it is all planed by swara for ragsan)

Swa sits hugging lak and lak feels irritated with Swa and gets jelous seeing our ragsan....

Rag gets bored and sleepy as its action film.....

Swa wantedly brought them to action film as she knew ragini hate them...

Rag:ahhh san its awfully stupid.....who choose this movie??

San:swara.....yy u don't like them??

Rag:u like them??


Rag:then i like them too...

Both ragsan have a deep eyelock...

San: ragini......i

They gets intrupted by someone whistling.....

Rag:u were telling something sanskar.....

San:wohhh.....if u don't want to watch movie then u can sleep...he shows patting his shoulder....

Rag smiles and keeps her head on shoulder and closes her eyes feeling his fragrance completely...

Swa saw this and thinks mission accomplished........

Lak gets irritated and excuses himself and goes out saying...i got important call....

At MM....

Suj:what happened bhaisab is everything ok....did Parvathi ji agreed with the alliance....

Ap:wohhh sujata shekar ji said ragini is loving someone and she can't marry sanskar....

Suj:arrey wahh jiji....for these many years i have never asked anything from you... can't you fulfill my one wish....

Ram: don't talk nonsense sujata...how can they force them to give her hand to sanskar when she is loving someone else.....even ragini is like daughter to us.....

Laksh over hears all this as he came home from movie.....

Lak:maa.....few days before our marriage got brocken....and now she is not willing to marry anyone....that means she still loves me maa....and maybe she is waiting for me to break this marriage and lover again....

All Ap,Dp,ram,adarsh and pari thinks that is the reason maybe.....

Suj:then nooo problem at all......laksh beta....today only go to ragini and clarify her that u don't love her and u can never love her....ask her to move on with sanskar.......

Lak:nooo chachi.... I can't do that.....

Suj:yy beta....y can't u do that??

Lak:chachi... because i still love her....

Everyone gets shocked listening to that......

Dp: laksh don't you dare joke on such situations.....

Lak:i am not joking papa....i said my true feelings...when i broke marriage with ragini and proposed swara...i thought i really love swara...but truth is i never loved her...its just attraction....and i realized what i lost....now i wanted to make everything correct....but thought ragini would get hurt and stopped...now when i know my ragini is all waiting for me.... I can't leave her papa...

Ap:lak are you thinking girls to be toys.... whenever you feel... exchange them???even swara have some feelings....what about them??

Lak:maa like how ragini adjusted for swara....with the same love on sister swara will also adjust...

All are giving helpless looks to laksh....i will go and talk to ragini right now..... saying this he immediately goes to GM.....

Sujata angrily goes to her room and calls sanskar...as it is interwell....sanskar is checking on his phone....

Suj: sanskar immediately come to home...if not u will see ur moms dead body....and cuts the call....

San informs ragini and swara and asks them to come he will drop her....he drops swaragini at GM and leaves to his house....


Scene 1: Lak is standing in front of GM..... Sanis standing in front MM

Scene 2: ragini is crying on road uncontrollably....ahhhhhhhhh.....maaaa....why you always do this to me maa.....plzzz maa...make everything alright....

Ahhh i wanted to give a lengthy chapter with out stopping here...but what to do i am bit busy and my lovely sister sufi143 asked to post immediately....soo as promised i posted it.....love u all...byee...tc

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