
115 5 1

June 18, 2018


Jack's POV @the wdw house

I sat in my shared room on my bed with my laptop watching fan edits, until Daniel knocked on the door. He walked in, waved, then sat down on the other side of my bed.

"Could I talk to you about something?" He asked, looking down.

"Sure, man."

"I think I like Delilah."

I immediately looked up from my laptop and closed it, concerned for what else he was going to say. "Go on..."

"Just... she's just so amazing. Ever since we met her, I thought she was beautiful. And then we got to know her and she's just as beautiful on the inside. And I feel terrible because she's obviously gone through some stuff but she seems to really love her boyfriend if she's willing to deal with him after all this."


"I don't know what to do. I really like her but she has a boyfriend. What do you think?"

"Hold it off. She has a boyfriend. Let her be happy." I said, with a hint of jealously in my voice.

"Should I just try to get to know her more?"

"Yeah, but don't spend more time with her than the rest of us," because then I won't get to see her, "or else it might hint that you do like her. Just, try to get over her for now."

"Okay, I'll give it a shot. Thanks Jack."

"No problem."

I looked at the window while a sense of sadness rolled over my face. I thought I was the only one?? Well, at least it's only Daniel and I. I can't blame him though.

Daniel's POV

I ran downstairs from Jack's room into the kitchen. I was grabbing a snack until Zach stopped me suddenly.

"Hey, could we talk?"

"Sure bro." He led me to one of the studio rooms and sat down, putting his face in his hands.

"I think I like Delilah." He sighed.

My eyes grew wide as Zach sat there frustrated and flustered. "I mean, it wasn't really a secret. The moment you saw her you literally fell in love with her."

"That part was just a joke. She's a pretty girl and she caught my eye that day, but as we've started to become close, I think I really do like her..."

"You are aware she has a boyfriend, though..."

"Yeah, I know. I'm not a complete idiot. That's why I'm so stuck. She's with him and it feels so wrong. I just want her to be with me." His eyes started to tear up slightly. Crap, he's in deep.

"Well... I wouldn't pursue her if I were you, considering she has had the same boyfriend for two years. And I also wouldn't try to hang out with her more than the rest of us, or else she could figure it out."

"That's a good idea in theory, but I don't know if I can do that to myself. I really, really like her."

"...when did you figure it out?"

"The night I slept with her."


"NO, NO, not like that!! That night I found her in the bathroom. I was so terrified for her. She slept in my bed, remember?"

"Right," I nodded my head.

"Well, thanks for letting me tell you. But you can't tell her. I don't want to lose her." Zach got up, standing directly in front of me, eyebrows furrowed.

"I promise I won't"

Zach's POV

I leave the studio, letting Daniel go back to working on the song. As I closed the door, I noticed Corbyn leaving to his room and Jonah on the couch.

"Hey, Zach," Jonah stopped me. "Could I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure," I sat down across from him on the couch, leaning back, "What's up?"

"Promise me you won't tell anyone this."


"I like Delilah."

I sat there, mouth wide open, staring at Jonah. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've thought about it for a while... why?"

"Oh, well, just.... she has a boyfriend, so that might be..." I trailed off.

"-Problematic, I know. She's just, amazing in every way."

"She's also a full two years younger than you." I said. Maybe I can convince him not to like her?

"So? That's the age difference between her and her boyfriend."

"How do you know that?"

"Her and I are close."

The moment he said that, my heart fell to the floor, as if it had suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. Why didn't I know that.

"Well, man, I wish you best of luck with your crush on the unattainable Delilah Adams. Because of her boyfriend, I doubt that anything will happen, so best to just get over her."

"I guess you're right (for once). Thanks Zach."

"You're welcome."

Corbyn's POV

MYONEANDONLY: do you think the guys like her?

Me: 100%

Me: They're so weird around her. Like they have major crushes

Me: Do you know who she's dating?

Me: I don't really care who but I just wanna know if they're better than the guys

MYONEANDONLY: The guy she's dating is pretty amazing, idk if she'd leave him for them

Me: If she did, who do you think she'd pick?

MYONEANDONLY: I honestly don't know. I haven't seen how close she is with each.

Me: Well, Jonah and her act like siblings, Zach and her are like a cute high school couple, Daniel acts like her best guy friend, and Jack acts like her best girl friend


MYONEANDONLY: The Zach thing is probably just jokes for her. Jonah might be too old?

MYONEANDONLY: Either Jack or Daniel tbh. Probs Daniel. Girls usually fall for their guy friends.

Me: Like you and me?


MYONEANDONLY: I gtg, editing a video, lmk if there's any new ~t e a~

Me: Got it babe.

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