Silent Ride Home

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Rainbow Dash's Point Of View:

I walked across the field and to everyone's cars. Why? Why did he have to do that? God, I hate him so much. He thinks I was being serious. He thinks we could actually be friends after this little stunt he pulled. He really is dumb.

I looked at all of my friends surrounding something. 

"Is she alright?" I walked around everyone to see Fluttershy.

"She has a couple of marks on her wrists, but she seems to be fine besides that." Applejack said as she stood up and looked at me.

I kneeled down to her level and looked at her hands.

"I'm so sorry Fluttershy. I completely understand if you don't want to hang with us anymore. I wouldn't want to be with people who put me in danger either. Do you want me to take you home?" I picked her chin up so she would look at me.

"This wasn't your guy's fault. Please don't blame yourselves. I'm fine. I might have some marks on me but I'm fine." I looked at her eyes tearing up just a little, but she had a small smile on her face. How can she smile with what just happened?

"Come on. I'll take you home." I took her hand and helped her off the ground.

I felt her hand pull back and saw she was looking at the ground.

"Please don't take me home. I'm having such a good time. Sure, I got kidnapped, but believe it or not it's not the worst thing that has happened to me. I want to go back and be with you guys. I want to be a normal teenager and stay up all night watching movies and eating all kinds of popcorn. Please, let me be normal and come back with you guy's!" She looked up at me and I saw tears running down her face.

"Hey, hey." I walked up to her wiped her tears away. "I just asked. If you want to come back, then your more than welcome to."

I looked at everyone around me.

"AJ? Can you ride in the other car, with Rarity? Twi and Pinkie are in the same car right?"

"Yes ma'm." She looked uneasy, but I knew she would be fine.

"Good. Let me see your keys please."

I watched as AJ tossed me her keys and headed to the car. Twilight gave me a strange look that I knew all to well.

"Fluttershy? Can you head to the truck please? I need to speak with Twilight."

"Sure." I watched as she walked away and then turned to Twi.

"Alright, what's the look for?" I walked up to Twi and took her hands in mine.

"She's just your friend right?" I wasn't able to see what sort of face expression she was making cause she was looking at the ground. And her voice held no trace of emotion.

"What are you-"

She looked up at me. Her eyes looked so broken. So worried of rejection.

"I love you Dash. I love you so much it hurts. I'm so afraid of you loving someone else. And the way you looked at her, I've seen that look before. Tell me, what do you consider her as? Do you see yourself with her in the future? Or she just a friend? Cause the look you gave her was not a look you give to a friend." She took a step back and looked between my eyes.

"God, you say you get straight A's. You say your so smart. You even have the principle fooled. Your so fucking dumb." I took her hand and dragged her behind to the wall near by.


I took her wrists and pinned them above her head.

"You are one of the most important people in my life. Don't you dare say that I don't love you. Cause I can't begin to explain my love for you. They say you can't love someone till you love your self, but I love you so much it makes me forget everything I hate about myself. You are one of the first people I have ever trusted. And I can't imagine my life without you. I know it sounds like a bunch of cheesy crap, but it's all true." I leaned in and kissed her. I kissed her with so much passion, I swear it hurt. I took some pressure off of her fragile wrists. She had such a small frame I was afraid to break her if I touched her. She took her hands from mine and wrapped them around my neck. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"I love you Twilight Sparkle."

"I love you too Rainbow Dash."

I headed back to the truck with a  smile on my face. God, she makes me so happy.

I got in and started the truck. I looked at Fluttershy and gave her a small smile.

"You ready?"

"Yeah but may I ask why you wanted me to come with you? Um, not to be nosy...."

"I just wanted to talk to you about some things."

"Oh? Like what?"

"What did you mean back there? The chance to be a normal teenager?" I backed out of the parking lot and started taking the long way back to Pinkie's house.

"Well, it's nothing. I was just exaggerating." She smiled and looked out the window before looking at me.

"I don't buy it. At least let me know how serious it is." I looked straight ahead at the nearly empty road. I felt my hands tighten on the steering wheel.

"It just had to do with some things back home. It's.... It's actually why I moved here. But there not with me anymore, so it's ok."

"Alright. But if you ever need someone, call me. I don't care about the situation, I will help. Twilight obviously likes you if she invited you to her house. So, now your stuck with us. Your our friend now, and I would do anything for my friend's."

I heard a small sniffle beside me. I looked beside me and saw that she was crying.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! I just...."

I pulled over to the side of the road and turned to look at her.

"No, it's just, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time."

Jeez, she must of had it hard.

Not knowing what else to say, I continued on to Pinkie's house. We sat in silence the whole way back. I pulled into the driveway and shut off the truck.

I grabbed the keys and opened the door.

"You coming?" I looked at her, as she fiddled with her fingers lost in thought.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." She opened the door and walked inside.

I always make everyone around me cry. Why do I drive everyone away? Well, maybe she will be different? She does seem kind.

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