Running Home

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Thank you guys so much for the 1K reads on this story! I love you all!

Rainbow Dash's Point Of View-

I texted my friends, hoping someone would answer. Not wanting to look like a creep, I walked down the street corner and waited. Looking at my phone every five minutes.

"What are they doing?" I decided to keep walking, knowing no one would answer. I wondered over to the school, knowing I was almost home. I felt something hit my nose so I looked up. The sky was grey, filled with clouds.

"Don't tell me it's going to rain...." I kept feeling the water hit me, making me walk faster.

I started running as the water started to progressively rain harder.

"Shit! I'm going to get sick if I don't get home fast." I ran and ran until my legs almost gave out on  me. I stopped to rest under a tree. I was breathing heavy, panting, as I tried to keep my legs going. I ran for what felt like forever until I had finally gotten home. I reached for my keys in my pocket, not finding them.

"No.... No, no, no...." I searched all of my pockets, not finding them

"Dammit! I left my fucking keys in the house...." I felt the rain hitting me harding, now feeling like bullets on my skin. My eyes widened as I heard thunder and saw a flash behind me.

I looked around, not knowing what to do. My cars locked, so is my door....

Do I have a window open? Wait! My back door might be open.

As I ran to the back, I slipped on a patch of grass. I sat up as I saw blood from a rock skinning my knee. I got up and kept running till I reached the back door.

"Fuck." I twisted the door knob, finding it locked to.

Now what do I do? I could crawl through a window.... But I think the only ones unlocked are the ones upstairs. I looked at the tree to my left.

"This is such a bad idea...." I could barely hear myself from how hard the rain was coming down.

I walked over to the tree. I rubbed my hand together, looking at my bandage. I slowly climbed up the tree, feeling branches hit my face and arms.

Once I got to the top, I sat on a branch. I looked over my house, seeing it three feet away.

"Come on. You can jump hurdles. This is nothing." I lied to myself.

I slowly climbed to the end of the branch, feeling it bounce. I held on tighter, as I inched closer to the end of the branch. I looked at the house. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second. I looked up in determination. I leg go up the branch, jumping to my house. I missed the roof by a foot, grabbing onto the gutter. I slowly pulled myself up, knowing it might break. I climbed to the roof, sitting there realizing I hadn't died.

I crawled over to my bathroom window, seeing it was unlocked. I opened the window and slowly climbed in. I felt the floor beneath me as I held onto the roof. I dropped down, feeling all kinds of pain in my legs. I reached up and closed the window. I looked around for a rag. I wiped off some of the mud, realizing it would be better to just take a shower.

I stripped my wet clothes off after taking off my muddy bandage. I turned the water to warm climbing in. I let the water soak my body before turning it hotter. After washing all the mud, dirt, and blood off my body, I continued to wash my dirty hair. I felt my legs wanting to give out on me. I stood there hoping I wouldn't fall. When I thought I was okay, I continued washing my hair. I felt my right leg give out and tried to grab something as I fell.

I laid there, feeling something run down my face, and feeling my head pounding.

I got up and decided to get out of the shower after I rinsed my hair. Every step I took was wobbly. I rapped a towel around me and slowly made my way to my room. I probably looked pathetic. I had blood running down my head, my knee, and my hand was stinging with pain. I slowly got dressed into some pajamas. After I dried my hair, I walked over to the bathroom again. I lazily wrapped my hand and wiped off my head and knee. I put a little bandaid on my head then on my knee. I looked in the mirror.

"You really did fuck yourself up this time...." I slowly waddled back to my room. I turned on the light, fixed my blankets, then looked at my phone. It's five o'clock already? How am I so tired?

You walked half way home, ran the other half, climbed a tree, nearly fell from your house, and you fell in the shower. How are you not dead?

Fair point....

I climb into bed, cuddling with the blankets. I stretch my feet out and feel something. I sit up wanting to know what it is. I pull the blankets back to find a jacket. Fluttershy's jacket....

I pick it up, cuddling it close to my chest. I smell it, smelling the familiar scent of vanilla. I try to fall asleep after that, but couldn't stop thinking. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Knowing she was probably at her house.... Knowing she wouldn't want to see me....

I throw the blankets off me and get up. I turn on the light and get dressed into something more presentable. I put on sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. I grab her jacket and run downstairs, taking them two at a time. I make sure I grab my keys and put my hood up before I go outside. 

I run to my car and quickly get in. I feel my head pounding, my heart racing, my stomach twisting, and my legs aching. I pull out of the driveway and head to her house. I don't see a lot of people driving, probably because of the rain. I slow down not wanting to spin out of control.

I drive down her street looking at all the houses. I pull over and shut off my car. I grab her jacket and put on my hood before I run up to the door. I knock on her door and wait for something to happen. I stood there with my hands on my knees panting, waiting for her to open the door. I felt the rain starting to go through my hoodie as I stood there trying to get my breathing back to normal.

I heard the door click, I stood up straight and looked at the door. When the door open, there she stood. The most beautiful girl on Earth. But why was she soaked?

"Rainbow?" She looked at me in confusion.

"Um, hey." I smiled awkwardly.

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