I love you... I love you a lot🥀

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Draco's POV:
I lay with my head against the window looking out at the beautiful changing tree's outside. I was on my way to Hogwarts for my eighth year. Mother thought it would be a good idea to come back to redo my terrible 7th year.

I couldn't even get on to board the Hogwarts Express without other students yelling things like "death eater" and "traitor" at me. I won't admit it out loud but the words hurt. I never wanted to become a death eater. I never really was on the dark side.

I let out a loud sigh and looked at the empty compartment around me. Pansy and Blaise were off probably snogging somewhere when they were supposed to be "going to the bathroom."

All the sudden the compartment door flew open and a sobbing boy came running in. I looked up to see emerald eyes full of tears and black messy hair like a mop on top of the boys head. I would recognize him anywhere. Harry James Potter.

The boy threw himself down on the seat opposite of me. He sobbed in his hands and it was clear Harry didn't see me sitting here.
"Hmm" I coughed.
Harry jumped and looked up at Draco.
"S-S-Sorry I d-didn't see you." He stuttered and stood up to leave.
"No!" I yelled before I could stop myself.
Harry gave me one his classic "I don't know what's going on" look.
"Stay." I manage to whisper.
Harry looked me straight in the eye, tears still rolling down his face.

All the sudden Harry lunged forward at me pulling me into a huge hug. It startled me for a second but I wrapped my arms around the smaller sobbing boy. "S-Sorry!" He sobbed but made no movement to leave my arms.
"Shhh!" I whispered in his ear. We stood there just hugging for what seemed like forever. I loved having the boy in my arms.

As we stood there I felt Harry slowly growing a bulge in his pants. I hate to admit it but I loved feeling him against my thigh getting hard. Kinda turned me on... a lot.

Harry moved away from my thighs in fear of me feeling his boner. He pulled away from me and sat down on the seat in the compartment.
I could see him blushing which made me smile. I sat next to Harry and tilted his chin to face me. His emerald eyes looked beautiful but I could see the hurt in his eyes too.
"What's wrong  Harry. I won't judge you. I'll help you, I promise." I whispered to him.

"I know you are gonna hate me too but... I-I'm gay. I told Hermione and she supports me but when I told Ginny and Ron they both freaked out on me. {In this Ginny and Harry where never together} Ginny said I broke her heart because she apparently loved me. I apologized so many times to her but I just can't love her... I love someone else. Then Ron freaked out on me because I hurt his sister and he told me he never wants to see me again." Harry finished and tears were filling his eyes once again.

I pulled him into another hug. "Listen to me Harry, I don't hate you. I'm gay too, it's okay I promise. Weasel and Weaselbee will come around. Trust me Harry."

Harry just stared at me with a look of love?
"This is why I fell in love with you, so many years ago." He muttered; still staring at me.
Harry went red "oh my god I said that out loud." He blushed.

I laughed at his beautiful face.
"Yes; and I- I love you too." I smiled looking at the boy I fell in love with that day in Madam Malkins.
"Really??!!" Harry basically squealed.
I laughed again, "Yes Ms.Potter." I joked. Harry blushed in return.
"Be my boyfriend Harry?" I asked.
Harry broke out into a smile and next thing I knew his lips were on mine. Harry seemed nervous and was unsure wether or not to continue.

I pulled him closer and pushed my tongue into his mouth. A warm tongue intertwined with mine. We fought for dominance. I won and Harry happily kissed me back.

Finally when we both needed urgent air we broke away.
"Yes" Harry smiled.
Then his face fell a little.
"Sorry I'm not a very good kisser. That was my first French kiss." He muttered looking down.

I laughed at his cute face. He was adorable when he was embarrassed. I pulled him into my arms. Harry laid his head on my shoulder.
"You were perfect babe." I laughed.
Harry looked up at me. "I love you Draco Malfoy... I love you a lot."
"I love you more Harry."

Word Count: 823
Sorry if there is any typos I wrote it on my phone❤️

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