The cupboard under the stairs🍂

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Draco and Harry had been married for a couple years now. They had been living in the leaky cauldron but recently bought an apartment together.

"I love it here Harry!!" Draco smiled as they walked around their new apartment.

"And I love you." Harry Grinned pulling Draco into a kiss.

"What a sap Potter." Draco teaser.

"And you love it." Harry smiled pulling Draco into another kiss.

2 hours later
"Harry!" Draco called. He was cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs and needed Harry to go through some things with him.

"Yes Babe?" Harry approached.
One look at the cupboard and Harry broke down.

"Baby are you okay?" Draco asked timidly.
Draco brought Harry to the Couch in the living room. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and played with his hair. He whispered comforting words into Harry's ear.

Harry's breathing evened out and he stopped crying. He looked up at Draco.
Then he broke down and told Draco everything. About how he was stuck and locked in the cupboard under the stairs. Dudly bullying him all his life. Getting all of Dudly's leftover clothes. Being deprived of food when he was punished. When Harry finished Draco was almost in tears. He had no idea.

"Baby I'm sorry, it's over know. You are safe with me, I'll protect you Harry. I will always be there and love you okay my love? Draco whispered to Harry.

"I love you so fucking much Draco. So much." Harry cried.

"I love you so much fucking more, Potter." Draco smiled.

"Speaking of Fucking..." Harry grinned.

"Already on it." Draco whispered pulling Harry's shirt off.

Sorry it's short! Hope you enjoy!

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