Best friends... or a little more😻

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In this Harry, Draco, Ron and Hermione are all in their 8th year and are best friends.

"Ronald Weasley!!" Hermione called.

Ron, Harry and Draco where sitting under a tree working on homework. It was beautiful outside and the boys where enjoying some fresh air.

"Uh oh you are in trouble!" Draco laughed.
"Oh shut up Malfoy!" Ron huffed.

"Ronald Weasley!! How dare you tell people I'm shagging you! I am not shagging you and you know it. You don't deserve my love." Hermione huffed.

Draco and Harry where fighting back a laugh. They both couldn't deal with how funny this is.

"Oh well about that..." Ron trailed off turning red.

"You are in so much trouble Ronald!! Come with me now." Hermione ordered.

"What are you gonna do 'Mione. Finally shag him?" Draco joked.

"SUSH IT MALFOY!" Screamed Hermione.
Other people were now staring at us.

"Come now." Hermione repeated.
Ron sighed and got up to follow his girlfriend.
Draco and Harry watched them walk out of sight.
"Those two!" Laughed Harry.

"They bicker like a old married couple!" Draco laughed.

Harry started at Draco. He loved when Draco laughed. It filled his stomach with butterflies. Draco's beautiful stormy eyes and perfect blond hair. Oh he was gorgeous. Harry wanted him for himself and not in a friends way.

Harry realized he was staring and Draco was watching him.
"Sorry" blushed Harry.

"I get it Potter I am beautiful." Laughed Draco.
"You can say that again!" Muttered Harry.

"What was that Potter?" Draco asked and moved closer to Harry. Harry gulped. He could feel Draco's body right next to his.

"N-Nothing." Harry winced.

"Does Potter have a crush on me?" Teased Draco.
"Y-Yes, wait no." Harry blushed.

"Really? Yes?" Draco asked.

"Okay Draco, I love you. I always have. I'm sorry please don't hex me." Harry's voice broke.
Draco smirked.
Harry's heart sank.

"Want me to clue you in on something?" Draco smiled.
Draco leaned in and kissed Harry.

"I like you too."

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