How did I get blessed with such an amazing family?

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"Dadddd" Lily whined. She crawled into Harry's lap and let out a loud dramatic

Harry smiled at his beautiful daughter. She reminded Harry so much of Draco. Lily had Harry's green eyes but Draco's blond hair and dramatic attitude.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Harry asked pulling Lily closer to him. Lily sat on his lap and looked down at her hands.

"I wanna go to Hogwarts too. It's not fair that James, Albus and Scorpius are off learning magic while I'm stuck here for another year." She huffed dramatically.

"It's really that bad staying here with your dads." Draco laughed as he waked Into the room.
Harry greeted his husband and Draco sat down next to Harry.
"Well no" Lily muttered.
"But I wanna be a amazing witch just like Auntie 'Mione!" She smiled with excitement.

"Oh you will Lily darling." Draco smiled at his adorable daughter.

"Think so?" Lily smiled.

"We know so darling." Harry grinned.

With that Lily was content. She snuggled up against Draco and Harry who held their daughter close.

Both Draco and Harry were thinking the same thing.
How did I get blessed with such an amazing family? 💛

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