A Transfomitive Moment

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"But Ratchet I don't waaaaaannnnnaaaa!" complained Sideswipe.

"I don't care if you 'wanna' it needs to be done now sit still." chastised the older bot. It was that time of year when the young bots required their health and growth screenings. The twins, of course, were being belligerent. "The more you squirm the longer it will take, so sit still so I can take decent scans." he continued, pushing the little red speedster back onto a lying position on the berth. His twin sniggered from the swiveling office chair. "Don't laugh sideswipe, your up next." Ratchet warned as the sensor made its sweep. At the sight of the flashing light, Bumblebee looked up from his block tower he was constructing on the floor. Instead of going to the rec room to play with the twins this morning, the twins had come to play with him in the medbay. He just hoped that this was not one of the days where Ratchet was all pokey-prodey. Bee hated pokey-prodey days.

Ratchet looked over the scanner's images. Solid frame growth, axles proportionate, and an over all 50% increase in mass from the last time. Right on schedule. Ratchet checked Sideswipe's optics, joint flexibility, t-cog efficiency, and spark spin. All healthy and normal. Same story with Sunstreaker.

"See sideswipe, you don't have to be a big bitlit about everything." the yellow bot sneered at his brother. Ratchet was struck by how much the twins contrasted, despite being from the same spark. Then it was bumblebee's turn. The little yellow bot protested being laid down on the berth. It wasn't naptime yet- oh no- it was a  pokey-prodey day.

"Bee~" trilled ratchet, catching the fussy bitlit's attention, "look up here bee, what's this?" he asked, shaking a rattling doll above the scanners head. Bee cocked his helm but otherwise went still. A flash of green went off, and then he was blinking his optics. Ratchet gave him the rattle toy to play with while the scan results loaded. A little behind on his growth chart, but then again, his carrier or sire could be a mini for all they knew. What mattered was that his growth was proportionate, witch it was. Still Ratchet filled a prescription of dietary mineral supplements. Bee's t cog had been in the midst of hardwiring itself to his frame the last time Ratchet had checked. Now, it was fully hooked up and ready to go, but as far as Ratchet knew he had not transformed into anything yet.

"Hmm- I wonder-" he muttered to himself as he looked at be. The grouchy medic began tickling the tiny yellow baby. "Goochy goochy goo~ come on, I know you can do it~" he prompted as he wriggled his fingers along seams and into small chinks in bumblebee's plating. The bitlit smiled, then giggled, then was cackling in uncontrollable laughter.

"Wacthet! Wacthet!" he cried, his face plates scrunching up with laughter as he tried to squirm away. This was the hardest anyone had ever tickled him before, and he felt his sides start to ache with the efort.

"Ratchet, what are you DOING?" asked Sunstreaker, his tone incredulous. He was staring at the tickle torture with wide optics.

"Science Sunstreaker, now watch, i'm actually doing something very tricky here." Ratchet replied. All of a sudden, his index finger found a seam just under Bee's neck cabling. Baby bumblebee kicked and convulsed, and then suddenly, there was a tiny yellow car sitting in his place.

"You found his alt-mode!" cried sideswipe." he was excited. Now he could teach Bee how to race down the halls and drift around corners.

"He always had it, he just needed a little help getting into it." replied Ratchet.

Bumblebee looked around him. Everything was at a different angle then it was before. Ratchet had been tickling him and then his frame did something- he just wasn't sure what. He felt lower somehow, but he was definitely still on the table. He tried to cry, his standby for when things got scary, but all that came out were loud honking beeps. And then a shrill alarm. Now Bee was really panicking. He tried to move, but he just rolled off the end of the table. The ground came hurtling towards him very fast, but he couldn't throw out his hands to catch himself.

"Woah there little fella, careful now," called out Ratchet, catching him. He placed all four of Bee's little tiers on the ground. Be looked up at Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. They seemed so much taller now. And Ratchet was enormous.

"Ratchet I think he's scared." stated Sunstreaker, glaring. "You scared the bitlit. That's mean." Sideswipe pushed him aside.

"Little bumblebee is just confused is all. This is the first time he's used his wheals Sunny." he crouched down in front of Bumblebee, "hey lil' B, watch this," he said as he transformed into a small red go kart.

"Sunny your turn!" he cried. "Show Bee that it's nothing. Go on." his yellow twin sighed and also transformed into a small vehicle.

Bee was a little less frightened. This was something that happened apparently. He just wished he could change back. He watched carefully as the older boys flipped back into their normal selves. Bee wiggled his tiers, nothing. He revved his engine. Nothing. He strained real hard and his hood flew open. Bee felt distressed. He was stuck like this! He couldn't cry, so he closed his optics and tried to suck his servo. Much to his surprise, he was able to put his servo into his mouth! He did it!

"Let's not do that again, at least until your a little older and have more controlle, huh Bumblebee?" asked Ratchet, picking up the bitlit, now back in his base mode, off of the floor. He had noted the trouble Bee had turning back. It was something he would have to watch, but not all bots got transformation down in one go. It was something that needed patience, like anything else. He gave be a small energon goodie to suck on for his troubles.

"Hey, where's ours?" demanded Sideswipe. Ratchet chuckled.

"You two get yours after your shots." The twins locked optics.

"SHOTS!" they cried in unison. Sunstreaker stared fearfully at ratchet.

"DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE!" he cried as he Sideswipe pealed out of the medbay as fast as possible.

"Oh no you two don't, get back here!" Ratchet cried, placing Bee in the pen by his desk before running out, sirens blaring to catch them. Bumblebee just stared with wonder as he sucked on his candy.

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