A New Friend

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There was a tangible buzz of excitement in the air. The Camian delegates were due to arrive in just a few short days and everyone was rushing to make things perfect. Work was being done efficiently as possible in an attempt to impress their potential allies. Even the twins were excited. Finally, after days of frantic cleaning, drilling, and preparation, the day of the visit dawned. The Ark was in orbit around a large planetoid in neutral space, and as the light of the system's star creeped over the ark, everyone rushed to fulfill the last minute preparations. Extra energon was processed into mid and high grades, and a tantalizing variety of energon goodies. Bumblebee and the twins of course, had appointed themselves taste testers. Technically they were in the kitchen to help with cleanup, but whenever Hound wasn't looking a small servo would reach over and snatch a rust stick, or a petroleum jelly, or an oil tart. Eventually Hound took notice of the sticky servos and stain covered faceplates.

"Alright you three! go on and get before you make yourselves sick, and I run out of food. These are for the Camians, not you little hooligans!" he laughed as he chased them around with a batter covered spoon. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker ran a distraction while Bumblebee grabbed as many goodies as he could stuff into his cab. The three of them speed out of the mess giggling. They had almost made a clean getaway of it, but they ran into Ratchet in the hall.

"Stop right there you three helions! The Camians are going to be here any minute and the three of you are still running amok! I know for a fact that there is something you are supposed to be doing."

"uh oh," whispered Sideswipe.

"Busted," agreed Sunstreaker. Even Bumblebee could sense they were about to get in trouble. A look passed between the three of them, but just before they could turn to run, Jazz came around the opposite corner, blocking their escape path.

"Are you kids even listening to me?" Ratchet continued to rant. Then he noticed the candy coated servos. "Have you boys been stealing from the kitchen again?" he accused. Jazz had approached close enough to interrupt.

"Ey boys there ya are! Hound just commed me say'n that you just got done helping with the food prep," he lied easily. Ratchet eyed him with suspicion, but he just grabbed a twin in each servo and continued on.

"Come on, let's get you guys all cleaned up, the ladies will be here any minute." He said as he shepherded them away from potential punishment.

"Thanks Jazz." sighed Sunstreaker.

"Yeah we ow you one, The Hatchet was P.O.ed." nodded Sideswipe.

"I thought I told you not to call him that," giggled Jazz as he scooped up Bumblebee. "Anyway, just give me some o' those oil tarts an' we'll call it even." he laughed. Bumblebee opened up his cab, allowing Jazz to take his share of the plunder.

"I wasn't lie'n about you three neede'n to get washed up. Op wants ya'll in the welcome party, says the Camians are bringing a youngster of their own. Wants ya to put ya best ped forward and all that." Together the four of them headed down to the was racks to clean up.

Smokescreen clung to Chromia's knee as the transport vessel docked with the Ark. His doorwings twitched in anticipation as he thought about what he would see when the doors opened. He looked at Elita One at the head of the group. She was as calm and collected as ever. When news of the visit with the Autobots had reached the Camians, the mecas were all abuzz with excitement. It had been a long time since any of them had had contact with a mech. And once Smokescreen had found out that there were other young bots out there, he too had been exited, and had begged and pleaded to go with. He hadn't seen anyone his own age in what felt like forever. The camians had taken him in, had protected him, but they all had a tendency to try and act like they were his carrier. What he had really wanted was a playmate. But now he was not so sure. What id they didn't like him? What if they thought he was too old, or too different. He knew that there weren't many others like him left. What if they thought he was a fem like the Camians, and called him names? These thoughts churned in his processor.

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