Chapter 3| Behind The Walls

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"Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." Newt said. "Yeah. It's hilarious." Fry said. "Jorge, how do we get in?" Thomas asked. "Don't look at me, hermano. Those walls are new. I guess that's WICKED's answer for everything." Jorge said. "Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here. Let's go!" I said heading back to the car.

Everyone was walking to the car, I sat in the back with Newt. The ending roared as we drove off. "What happened to your waist?" Newt whispered. "I don't know what you're talking about" I said. "Y/N, I saw the blood on your shirt, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, its an old wound. Don't worry" I said. "Okay, but if it's hurting you, you'll tell me right?" He said. "You'll be first to know" I said pecking his cheek. "good" he said putting his arm around me. I snuggled my face into his neck as we drove through the corrupted lands.

~Time Skip~

"You really think he's in there?" I ask laying on newts shoulder. "I guess we'll find out." Thomas said looking at the tall  building.  "You know she's gonna be there, too." Newt pointed out.  Thomas looked at the building with wide eyes before he looked straight ahead. "It'll be fine, we're gonna get Minho and run" I said.

"I hope you're right" Thomas said. Minutes went by and it was silent until Jorge had drove us to a place packed with people.
"This place has really gone through hell." Jorge said. "We just gotta stay together." Thomas said. I grabbed Newts hand  as we exited the car as another drove by us with men sitting on top, one on the back looked at us and stared as they drove away.

Thomas started walking and we all followed. He lead us to the wall but in front of that wall was a crowd full of people screaming.  We are the voice of the voiceless! They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot! But there are more of us than there are of them. And I say, we rise up and take back what is ours! Let's bring back a victory!" A man yelled as many cheered I held on tighter to Newts hand as they continued yelling.  "Let us in!" They yelled.  "That's it. That's our way in." Thomas screamed over the crowd.

"Let us in! To the wall! Let us in! Let us in! Let us in!"  They continued.  "Thomas! This is not what you're looking for. All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?" Jorge said holding Thomas back.  "Came this far. I'm not turning back now." Thomas said. "What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Fry said.

"Get out of my way! Get out of my way!" Thomas yelled as we stood right in front of the large crowd. "Thomas, this doesn't feel right." Jorge said.  "Hey, guys, we gotta go now.
Look." I said pointing to the large guns at the top of the wall. They all looked and before we knew it gun shots were heard, bullets rapidly chasing us as we ran.

"Let's go, let's go!" Jorge yelled. "Thomas, let's go! We gotta get out of here!" Jorge yelled as he dragged Thomas.  "Let's go! Let's go! Go! Go! Go! Come on!" Thomas yelled as herds of people hitting into us. Newt dragged me as he ran through the crowd.
"Go! Keep going! Come on! Move!" Newt yelled.  I looked over as we ran and saw the guy from the car and began to panic.

He was following us. I tapped newt and pointed to the guy. He picked up the pace as we were joined with Thomas again. We stood in the crowd for a second before I felt a tug on my arm. I looked back and saw the man dragging me.

"Come on! Get in! Get in! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Come on!" He said as I was being dragged away.  " Come on!" He said frustrated as I wouldn't budge. "Newt! Newt!" I screamed as he threw me in a truck. It was pitch black but I could see two bodies with me. I shifted away when the sunlight hit through the bars, Thomas and Brenda both sat there panicked.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked. "Yeah, they took all of us" Thomas said his head against the wall. "Well, at least we're together" I said. A few moments later the car came to a large stop and doors were slammed.  "Get your hands off of me!" I heard someone scream.

"Where is she, you son of a bitch?" I heard Jorge yell as we were dragged out of the car. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Shit! Hey! Wait!" The man said as Jorge kicked the door open, the man flying out. "Come on, come on, come on." He said grabbing the mans collar. Newt jumped out and looked around frantically.

"I'm right here. I'm right here! Okay, okay, okay." Brenda said hugging Jorge. "Newt!" I said as I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Are you Okay? Did they hurt you?" He said holding my face. "I'm fine" I said.  "All right. Okay." Jorge said.

"Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here." The man with a gas mask said. "What do you mean same side?" Thomas asked. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. "Hey, Greenie." Gally said. "Gally?!" Thomas said.

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