Chapter 7| Tommy

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"Get on your knees with your hands in the air. You son of a bitch." One of the men said. Suddenly one of the guards shot all of the others. He removed his helmet and we saw Gally. "Gally?" Minho said.  "Minho. You guys are nuts." Gally said.

"I'll explain later." Thomas said. "How far are the tunnels?" I asked. "Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here. We can make it." He said.  "Newt, how are you feeling?" Minho asked.  "Terrible." He said.

"It's good to see you though." He said. I grabbed his hand. "Hey. How long has he been like this?" Minho asked. "He'll be okay. We just gotta get to Brenda. She's got the serum. Come on, let's go." Gally said.  "Hey, Newt. Come on, bud. We gotta get you up. Let's go. Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Thomas said as newt put his arm around his shoulder.

I got to the other side and leveled him out.  "You okay?" Thomas asked.  "Yeah." Newt said.  "Why you helping us, Gally? I put a spear through your chest." Minho said. "Yeah. Nobody's perfect, man." Gally said.

"Gally, come on." Thomas said as we ran through fires and bullets and terrified people.  "This is a mandatory evacuation. The last transport leaves
in 38 minutes. Please proceed to the roof. I repeat, this is a mandatory evacuation." A loud voice said.

"Tunnels are right up ahead." Gally said as bullets were shot. "Shit! Hey! Stay low! Stay low! Shit! Get ready!" Gally said as we sat along a wall.  "All right, move up! Move up!" He said as we ran through the fiery city. "Get down, get down! Stay down! Stay down! We gotta go. We gotta go. Come on. Let's move, let's move." Gally yelled. "Get him in, get him in." He said as we dragged Newt in.

"Brenda, are you there?" Thomas said into the walkie-talkie. "Thomas, I'm here." She said. "Shit! You okay?" She said hearing the explosions and gunfire. "We're not gonna make it." He said, I grabbed Newt's hand again. "Wait, what are you
talking about?" She asked.

"Don't let them get away! Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can." Thomas said. "No." She said. "Brenda" Thomas said. "I'm not leaving you. Okay? So forget it." She said.  "Even though you should?" He said.

"Thomas, don't worry. I'm coming to you." She said.  "What are you talking about?" He asked. "Our ride's here! Just look for us near the tunnels." She said happier.  "Let's go, guys! Move! Our ride's here!" Thomas said grabbing Newt. "Careful. Move! Move! Watch your step. Okay?" He said as we walked dodging things being shot and guards running around.

"All right. Newt, we're almost there." Thomas said sitting Newt against a wall. "Just leave me." He said.  "Back! Back! Let's go! Let's go! Take 'em out!" A guard yelled. "Okay, that's them. Yeah. It's them."

"We gotta go. We gotta go." Thomas said trying to lift him again. "Go without me, man. You should just..." Newt started. "Minho. You gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can. Minho, go." Thomas said. "He's right. I can cover." Gally said. "Thank you. Thank you, Minho." Newt said before Minho left.

"Hey, you just hang on. You hear me?" Minho said. "Go, Minho, go" Thomas yelled. "Newt? Newt? Hey! Hey! Newt! Hey! We're gonna try this. Okay?" I said begging to lift him. "We gotta move, now. Let's get you up, come on." Thomas said. "Let's go, come on." Thomas said.

"No. No" Newt said. "No, Newt. Later. Later. Really gotta go." Thomas said. "Come on." I said trying to get him up. "Look, you gotta take this." He said holding his necklace. "We gotta get you up, now." Thomas said.

"No, just take it!" He yelled. "Please.Please, Tommy. Please." He said. "All right." He said taking the necklace. "All right. I need you
to give me everything you got. You, me, and Y/N right now. Let's go. You ready?" He said putting Newt's arm around his shoulder. "Come on, ready? Here we go. One, two, three." I said as we lifted hi from the ground.

"Don't worry. They'll be here. Come on. Come on. We're almost there, Newt. Stay with me, come on." I said. He dropped down and fell out of our grip. "Newt, no, no. Hey! Come on." Thomas said. "Thomas? Can you hear me? I need you to listen to me. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need you to come back. Thomas, you can save Newt." Teresa said through the city. "There's still time for him. There's a reason Brenda isn't sick anymore. It's your blood. Do you understand?She isn't sick, because you cured her. She doesn't have to be the only one. All you have to do is come back. And this will all finally be over. Please. Just come back to me. I know you'll do the right..." Teresa said before the electricity cut off.

"Newt?" I said as he stood up. "Newt?" Thomas said as the lights popped on again. "Newt? Newt, it's me. It's me!" Thomas said as he jumped on him. "Newt!" I said trying to peel him off . He got off Thomas and ran towards me.

"Tommy, kill me!" Newt said. "Newt, I'm here. Newt, please! Please!" I said. "I'm sorry, Y/N" he said. Newt stood up and I scooted away. "It's okay. It's okay." I said standing up.

"No!" Newt ran at Thomas with a knife. "Newt!" He yelled. "Tommy." He said falling to the ground. "No, no. No, no, no." Thomas cried. I ran over to see Newt lying on the ground.

"No, no, no! What happened? I'm so sorry Newt" I said crying into his shirt. "Don't be sorry, I love you Y/N. And someday we'll meet again" he said as his eye went black. I cried as Brenda ran up. I grabbed Newt's gun and ran off. "Y/N where are you going!?" Brenda yelled.

I ran towards the hospital, there were large gaps in it where bombs had been shot through. I ran in looking around at the dark floors. I ran upstairs to see a small dim light on. I looked down and saw Ava Paige lying dead on the ground. I looked around the lit room and hid behind a wall once I saw Janson.

He turned around and I sneaked a peek. I saw Thomas strapped to a bed and Teresa doing something with his blood. Minutes later I heard a loud thud, I saw Teresa on the ground Janson walking towards Thomas and Thomas trying to escape. I ran in and shot Janson in the leg. "Ow, mother of God!" He screamed.

"Y/N, What a surprise care to join us!" He said. I walked back as Teresa untied the belts and they ran off. "Why are you here?" He asked. "Shouldn't you be with newt!" He said limping. "I would be if you bastards wouldn't have killed him!" I said pointing the gun at his head.

"Go ahead! I'd like to see you try" he said holding his arms out. I shot him in the shoulder. " I would go for the head, but I don't think Newt got it that easy, did he?" I said. "I am so fed up with this bullshit, you've killed too many of my friends Alby, Chuck, Winston and now Newt!! You have gone to far this time and if you think I'll let you walk another minute on this place we call earth than you're wrong!" I said pointing my gun as he scoots away. I was just about to shoot when a gun rang out and I felt a large pain in my chest.

"Maybe He was right maybe you'll see each other again. Quite soon too" he said walking off. I laid on the floor as blood gushed from my chest. I crawled to the railing and picked myself up. "As much as I would love that, it's not happening today" I said shooting Janson in the back of the head. I held my chest and walked over and kicked his gun away.

Soon enough Thomas and Teresa ran out. "Come on! Let's go!" He yelled. "Come on. We need to go. This way. Here. Come on. Come on." Teresa yelled as we ran through the roof door.

"I'm sorry. I tried." She said as fire surrounded the building. "I know." He said as they kissed. Suddenly a large plane flew towards us.
"Come on. Thomas!" Brenda yelled. "Now! Come on, come on, come on. Come on!" They yelled. "Come on, Thomas! Give me your hand! Get closer!" She yelled. "Jump!" I said.

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