Aprodite and Apollo

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That's exactly what Aphrodite and Apollo look like except they have bright blue eyes.

Aphrodite:Full name: Aphrodite Lilith TamashiniAge: 16Date of birth: July 2nd, 11:11

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Full name: Aphrodite Lilith Tamashini
Age: 16
Date of birth: July 2nd, 11:11.a.m.
Place of birth: unknown
Mom: unknown
Dad: unknown
Siblings: Apollo Luke Tamashini

Full name: Apollo Luke Tamashini
Age: 16
Date of birth: July 2nd, 11:09.a.m.
Place of birth: unknown
Mom: unknown
Dad: unknown
Siblings: Aphrodite Lilith Tamashini

Yeet that's all I could think of for information if you think I forgot something put it in the comments and I'll check it out but I hope this gives you an understanding of what they look like I'm still kinda working on a back story for them so yea. Make sure to like and comment what you think and hoped you liked it. Farewell!

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