The Run Away Girl

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"About me:"
"Hi, I'm y/n and I am.. 17? I think.
I ran away from the Orphanage when I was 10 years old. I ran to L.A. to start a new life. I still have no where to live, I feel so lonely because I have no one.. "

You put down the pen and close your notebook. Looking up to see cop cars all around the alley.

Your heart starts to beat fast and you start to get worried. Then, as soon as you can, you pick up your notebook and run as fast as you can and past the cop cars and the police. They don't follow you but instead, look at you with weird looks.

You didn't care, you just needed to get away from them or else.

Or else they would examine you and find out who you are. Because you are the 10 year old run away orphan.

You ran to your favorite place, the mall. The mall was filled with so many happy feelings and colorful places. They food smells amazing and the whole mall is big.

The only bad part is the looks people give you when you walk by examining the stores.
They give dirty looks to a dirty teenage girl.
But you don't mind though, you got pretty used to it.

Some girls from the local high school go there every weekend to hang out with their boyfriends and best friends.

You see them every weekend as you sit there watching people have fun. Sometimes they come up to talk, but said some not so nice things. They even gave you nicknames.
"The Run Away" "Trashy Teen" "Dirty Girl" Ect.

Until one day, when you walked into
the mall as always, you heard about 100-200 girls screaming. You walk towards the noise to see a whole crowd of girls surrounding a huge stage. On the stage, you see 5 boys. They were... Singing?

Who are they?
Are they famous?

I don't know, you don't know.
You stood there watching them preform as you never heard anything so amazing.

You couldn't keep your eyes off of the one playing the guitar. Eventually he looked up and you caught his eye.

Probably because you have dirt on your face and every other girl had makeup. He stared at you and smiled then looked back down to concentrate on his guitar.

One girl even looked back to see who he was staring at and looked back at you. She was one of the high school girls, she just gave you a dirty look and turned back around to scream and fangirl some more.

You just stood there watching the 5 boys preform and couldn't keep your eyes off of the one who couldn't stop smiling at you. You never smiled back because you were just too busy listening to his voice.

Eventually the show ended and they went off stage, you were a little bumbed that they left and that you couldn't see that one boy.

Just as you were walking out of the mall, the girls were screaming and shoving you away from the exit. You tried to fight back but they were pretty strong for some 15 year olds.

Eventually you were pushed back and finally ran into someone. You turned around to see who it was and when you finally saw, it was a guys with very curly hair, his smile was cute but you didn't care, as you weren't into guys too much. Then he walked on until you were pushed and shoved into another guy. It was him.

The guy who kept smiling at you during the performance, the one with the guitar. You fell back as girls crowded you and he stopped and looked back at you. He smiled and went back to pick you up, as he did you looked up at him and shared hands with him. You looked into his ocean eyes and he looked into yours.

"I love your eyes, what's your name"

"Thanks, and my name is- "

Then all of the sudden the high school girl who gave you the look earlier interrupted you and said

"Her name is The 'Run Away' "

"Uh.. "

You paused.

"Actually I'm y/n"

The boy smiled and said

"I like that name"

"What's your name? "

You asked him, he looked at you a bit confused then said.

"I- I'm Daniel Seavey. You aren't a fan? I saw you watching us preform. "

"Actually, I was but I don't know who you are.. I heard the girls screaming then followed it. Then I saw you and your friends singing so I just watched."

Daniel just laughed and smiled

"Do you have a phone? "

"Umm, no.. "

"Oh okay, well do you usually come here? Also why did she call you Run Away?"

"Yes I do, I come here everyday. And it's a long story, she isn't very nice to me either. I ran away from the Orphanage when I was 10 and I don't have a home. "

"Oh, well.. I'm sorry she bullies you, but one day we can see each other again. Hopefully"


Then all of the sudden Daniel is shoved away by more fans and security tries to push them off of him. He looks back and waves and you wave back.

Finally you leave the building to sit outside and watch the cars, away from the crowd and the girls.

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