.Chapter 2.

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Marinettes POV:
It's now lunch and I was so nervous
I saw Adrien talking to Nino,when Alya came over.
Come on girl nows your chance.
Alya I don't think I can do this.
Marinette I don't care it's time to man up and go.
Alya pushed marinette in which she bumped into something it felt like a wall until she looked up to see
it's ok marinette but I should apologize I bumped into you.
No no it's my fault Adrien trust me.

No ones POV:
Adrien and marinette stared nervously at each other till Adrien broke the silence.
'So em, Mari I wa...
'Wait Mari' said marinette
'Oh ye it's my nickname for ya do you notlike it I can change it.'
'No no no I l..love I..it it's great like you. I mean not l..li.ke you b..but not that i..I don't thi..nk you're g..reat.'
I get it Mari your great to.
Marinette blushes HARD
'So em marinette I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date this Friday if your free of course'
'Wait are you asking me out'
'Yeah I really like you marinette '
'So would you it's ok if you don't I mea'
'Adrien I'd love to'
Cool pick you up at 6
As ran to Nino all they heard was Nino she said yes Alya congratulated Marinette and then they walked back to class at the end of the day marinette went on her phone and told tikki she was so excited

The trust you brokeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora