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• grammar mistakes intentional •

louis; do you ever think that life is pointless

louis: we're here to reproduce

louis: and i'm gay so i'm not needed for that

louis: no one would miss me

louis: fuck. it's 3am. and i'm stuck here. messaging you, knowing you won't reply

louis: would you miss me?

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read at 3:25am

louis: why do i even bother

louis: you probably want me dead

louis: along with everyone else hah

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read at 3:28am

niall: what are you saying?

louis: you wouldn't miss me

louis: no one would

niall: there are so many people who would miss you

niall: your sister, parents, harry and liam, probably even zayn, just because we don't talk, it doesn't mean i want you dead

louis: i've made my mind up

niall: what?

delivered at 3:33am
read at 3:33am

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