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• grammar mistakes intentional •

louis had decided to get some sleep before his big plan that would start to take place tomorrow.

when the sun was rising and the birds were chirping, louis still hadn't gotten asleep at all. louis had thought about what niall had texted him

i don't want you dead

i don't want you dead

i don't want you dead

the voice inside his head was making these words echo inside his mind, tormenting him. he couldn't remember niall's voice any longer, due to it being the first thing you forget about someone.

instead, this voice inside his head was just a stereotypical irish lad, niall did not sound like this.

niall did not sound like this

niall did not sound like this

niall did not sound like this

if he could hear niall's voice ringing through his head, it may have made more of an impact. obviously, it had made an impact due to the fact that louis had stayed up all night. listening to this voice echo, as if his mind was a cave.

i don't want you dead

no one like him anyway. would anyone even miss him?

i don't want you dead

the voice tormented him, niall didn't mean that. niall wouldn't reply to him anymore, that was simple to do. why would he try to stop him?

i don't want you dead

niall didn't care about louis anymore, at least that's what louis thought. niall knew louis regretted what he did.

i don't want you dead

louis thought niall didn't care, that he never would. between every thought, the stereotypical irish lad tormented him.

i don't want you dead

he couldn't deal with it anymore. he couldn't sleep. he knew he couldn't sleep. he had to do something.

i don't want you dead

louis needed an escape.

i don't want you dead

it was trapping him.

i don't want you dead

then he blacked out...

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