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• grammar mistakes intentional •

louis had to write a letter and post it to niall. he did not know if niall still lived in the same place. yet, he had a feeling that he did. it had only been six months. he wouldn't move that quick, right?

nothing niall could do would stop louis. he was not convinced that niall cared. why would he?


i do love you, i promise. i just can't deal with the fact that one day i'll have to see you with someone else. so i'm going to make sure that never happens.

i'll never have to see you with someone else.

i have a solution. that you may disagree with. i don't think you'll care anyway.

i can't deal with the pain of knowing that you're no longer mine.

i love you with all my heart. all the pieces that have scattered onto the floor, they all want one thing. that's you.

sorry. that's so cheesy.

lots of love,
possibly for the last time,

louis xox

• authors note •

suicide is not a light topic. if you, or someone you know, are considering suicide. please, please, please message me. i'm not a professional but i would love to offer all the support to anyone and everyone.

if you ever feel down and think it's your last option, it's not. it never will be. there's always a good thing waiting for you. you'll be okay. i promise.

never do something to yourself that you'll regret.

think of what your family and your friends will do when they realise. they'll be devastated. i know from experience (if you want to know that story just pm me x).

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