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• grammar mistakes intentional •

louis woke up later, after a much needed nap. it didn't matter that he blacked out. the thoughts were now out of his head and he was glad. but, he realised that his phone was being blown up. and clearly had been for a while.







louis decided he couldn't deal with the annoying dinging sound any longer so he picked up his phone and had noticed something strange.


they were all from niall...

niall: louis?

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niall: louis, are you ok?

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niall: louis. reply to me

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niall: don't do something stupid

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niall: something you'll regret

delivered at 3:51pm

niall: don't hurt yourself

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niall: please...

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niall: i know i hurt you

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niall: but don't do anything

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niall: i love you

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niall: that wasn't a typo

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niall: by the way...

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read at 4:05pm

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