Chapter 8: Rebirth

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(Warning! Major clichés of when Raidriar is resurrecting and the Worker has taken his lands in Redemption)  

Ausar walked straight past them, not harming anyone. It was a bit weird, but he knew what would happen. It was all just a mind game. Immediately, he heard the din of swords against shields, and grinned. Just as he had expected, everyone had started fighting again. They were too afraid of his wrath. Leaving the consequences unknown, he'd made them fear him even more.

The Deathless warlord raised his arm, and teleported back to his castle. When he did, he heard a few whispers from his servants. They were all a bit stressed. Well, he had to give t to them. They were preparing a giant festival in honour of his eight year conquest finally ending. Or maybe it was just another conspiracy. Probably that.

He walked in his castle to his rebirth chamber, where he took off his armour. A servant offered him a mask, which he accepted, then examined. And threw away. 

He'd kept the Vile Blade, just in case, and stabbed the kneeling servant. The rest attacked him, and he jumped back, swinging twice, landing each blow with deadly accuracy. Powering forward, he cut through the fourth and last servant.

However, two daerils who were supposed to guard the castle surprised him, stabbing him once in the back, before he killed the traitors with two hits. Staggering, Ausar grunted as he fell to the ground, dying. 

Inside, the three consciousnesses were fighting, trying to regain control of the single body. However, one took advantage of the fact that the two others were fighting to get to the top, and take control of the body.

I wake up in a tube of green goo, and beam inwardly. I've finally regained control of my body! I quickly get out of the tube, and get dressed, then take the Vile Blade Ausar left behind. So I am Siris. I'm also Ausar. 

I walk out of the room, the one Ausar had died in just moments ago, and try to sneak out. I go to the armoury, where I find the Vile Thorns, that Ausar left un-used, and quickly grab them. 

However, a marauding daeril spots me, and hollers. Before anyone else comes, I kill it, and run. As I dash past corridors and hallways, I find the entrance, or exit, and run out of the castle, through the town and try to find a place where I can stay, until I remember that Deathless always wear a mask when in the presence of mortals. That means Ausar's face is unknown to the population. 

Quietly thanking that rule, I walk through the town, not knowing what to do. Until I see a group of soldiers telling a man something. I listen in close. "... preparing a revolution against Ausar. We need many soldiers to help steal an Infinity Weapon from his armoury, and we need people to help fight him as well. Will you join us?" 

Hell take me... I think. Then I realise that if the population learns that I'm Ausar, I'll be the target of this revolution. One soldier turns, and sees me. "Hey, isn't that him?" Their eyes widen in horror as they realise I heard their conversation. 

I run, not knowing how they figured out that I'm Ausar, and finally stop, panting, at the end of the village. "LET ME OUT!!!!!! I CAN HELP!!!"says a voice in my head. Siris. 

"NO! HE CAN'T! I WILL DEAL WITH THIS!" comes another voice. This one's Ausar. I don't give in. The soldiers are nowhere in sight, so I go back in town, and I go back in the castle. The moment I'm in, I hear someone yell, "HE'S IN!" My eyes widen in shock. Hell take me... I think again.

Then, unwillingly, I let Siris out, but Ausar takes advantage of that opportunity to get in as well. In the end, we're three, and we're all fighting for full control. As the doors are kicked in, I say, "How about we stop fighting and help each other so we can defeat this mob!"

They agree, and all three of us start fighting, which isn't as hard as it sounds. We use the Patterns of True Swordsmanship to devastating effects, and we take down a massive amount of soldiers before more come in, swinging their axes, swords, clubs and maces.

Since Ausar and Siris prefer to use a light weapon, we throw away the Vile Thorns and draw the Vile Blade, which I'd kept when I left the armoury.

The weapons of our enemies are parried, then left abandonned as we take down their owner, and take on another soldier. Slowly but surely, with the tireless body of a Deathless, we repel the attack of Ausar's soldiers.

------------————5 hours later-------------------------

It's night. Still, all three of our consciousnesses are in control. We slip through the open doors, and I close my eyes. So does Siris. We don't want to see what'll happen next, masterminded by the genius who is also cruel that is Ausar.

He massacres sleeping soldiers, reducing their number by at least a thousand until one screams, and wakes everyone else up. Quickly, we run inside the castle, and we get ready for the imminent fight.

Once again, the fight starts, and we slice and hack, tearing through skin and flesh, defending the castle. The Vile Blade is devastating, the dark energy calamitous.

The fight is ended soon enough, when another few hundred are slain, and gag in disgust. Siris and Ausar push me back down again. 

Siris fought with Ausar for a long while, trying to take control once again. The two personalities clashed, but one fell, joining Castrair, and leaving the other in charge.

Siris sighed, then looked at the world around him. His rage against Ausar would never die out. The tyrant had killed Isa while he was away! How could he?

The Deathless went into his rebirth chamber hoping for her to come, by magic, but she didn't. Hell take me... he thought, crying.

Isa was dead. Everything he'd cared about was gone. Ausar had destroyed all that was left of the old world. 

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