(Final Chapter) Chapter 9: War

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(This chapter will be a bit short, due to the fact that it's the final one.) 

Siris felt a tear roll down his cheek, but he forced himself to stop it. His training from before he knew he was a Deathless was paying off now. He cursed Ausar, and then walked elsewhere to clear his mind from these things.

However, a few soldiers had snuck into the castle, and had their swords drawn. Siris drew the Vile Blade, and walked into the hallway. The six men jumped, and faced him. As they did, they gulped, and then charged. 

Siris parried the blow of one, closing his eyes, and trying to reproduce the feeling of relaxation he'd had when he'd first used the Patterns of True Swordsmanship. He failed.

The second soldier swung sideways, and eyes still closed, Siris parried it. He was beginning to feel it. Another swing and he was ready. He opened his eyes, and felt his feet move without his will. Then his arms did the same, moving perfectly without any command.

Soon, he had taken down all the six soldiers. They lay on the floor, blood flowing from various wounds. Disgusted, Siris vowed to end this war before anyone else was hurt. 

He walked out of the giant building, finding himself in front of the entire army that had been created. Thousands of people were there, standing with their weapons raised, grim determination in their eyes. None would flee, or surrender, not until their other options had been taken from them. "Hell take me..." he muttered. 

The crowd advanced, and Siris started fighting. Alone, he might not be the winner in the end. Could he survive this calamity? Before he could think too much, Ausar and Castrair pushed up, once again taking up a third of the space each.

He didn't know whether to be grateful or spiteful about this. The Patterns of True Swordsmanship would certainly help, but he felt less coordinated when the two others had a third of the control.

The fight was intense. One person succumbed to the lethal strike Ausar gave him, then another person immediately replaced the wounded man. A parry knocked a woman off guard, and sent her backward, into two others.

Eight soldiers tried to surround them, but ultimately fell to Ausar's deadly skills. Siris managed to take control of the sword arm, taking down two men before Castrair took over, replaced soon enough by Siris, who was, in turn, chased away by Ausar. The three continued like that, decimating troops while fighting to get control of the sword arm. It was kind of childish, and also very pathetic.

Siris took over, knocking Ausar and Castrair out of the way, and focused on taking down two men wielding maces. "No you idiot! If you do that, the guy behind us will-" Ausar was interrupted by the mentioned man as he swung his long sword, cutting their back and drawing blood.

The body turned, Ausar taking over, and took down the man with the long sword. Then, he targeted Siris' previous objective. The duo fell rapidly, but Ausar lost control to Castrair, who pushed and shoved, not letting them get in charge without a fight.

The Vile Blade was reddened by blood: it had sliced through so much skin and flesh that the actual blade was no longer visible. Slowly, the number of enemies dwindled, and the soldiers stopped charging in through the gates. 

There were only a few hundred left, but Siris, Ausar and Castrair never got tired, due to the fact that their body was that of a Deathless. 

The trio took down the remaining soldiers down very fast, then resumed their constant fight for complete control. In the end, the shoving and pushing and grabbing and biting and pulling was fruitless, and they were all too tired to continue, so they fell to the bottom of the soul, leaving space for another identity to come. "No! That can't happen! This fight'll just last even longer, with another person!" thought Castrair desperately. 

He used the last of his energy to push upwards, finally taking control again. He ran out of the castle, leaping over corpses and dodging bodies.

Finally he made it past the sea of corpses, and knew where he had to go, what he had to do. Ignoring the screams of rage from Ausar, and ignoring the questionings of Siris, he ran to the nearest boat, and sailed to the Hideout. Or what remained of it.

There, he burned the boat, and stayed there. This would be their inescapable home, and prison. This way, Ausar couldn't harm anyone, and they would be left alone, not being attacked. It was the best solution he could think of. The only one.


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