Starting the group.

755 24 76

Language added Wintersoldier
Language added Ironmyshirts
Language added Widowsbite
Language added Dontforgetme
Language added Falconofthesky
Language added Realstrongestavenger
Language added Strongestavenger
Language added Pinkpanther

Language named the group chat "Avengers Assemble"

Language - Hey guys, you all okay?

Wintersoldier - Hey Steve!

Pinkpanther - A Group chat? I won't be active much.

Language - Is there anyone i've forgotten?

Realstrongestavenger - This technology is amazing, Bruce how do I use it?

Strongestavenger - You know how to send a message So...

Realstrongestavenger - Ah, yes. You seem to have forgotten Loki. Bruce can you add him.

Strongestavenger added KNEEEEL

KNEEEEL - Hahahaha lol! You guys added me! I'm gonna spam.

Ironmyshirts - Fuck you.

Language - No swearing.

Ironmyshirts - Well with Loki in the chat I suppose we can't add Stephen.

Dontforgetme - Add him anyway. A little bit of drama won't do any harm.

Dontforgetme - Just add him and your kid.

Widowsbite - I'm not sure that adding the kid is a great idea...

Ironmyshirts added Stranger
Ironmyshirts added Mrstark

Stranger - Hey Tony x

MrStark - Hey Mr Stark!

Language - Tony why did Strange send you a x?

Ironmyshirts - I'm sure it was an accident...

Dontforgetme - Somethings going on...

Stranger - This is a group chat? With Loki... Shit.

KNEEEEL - Hey sexy

KNEEEEL - Remember me?

KNEEEEL - That one night was great.

KNEEEEL - And the grandmaster a few hours afterwards, it was heaven!

Realstrongestavenger - Wait Loki, did you have... With the wizard?

Stranger - We are over so shut up, it was one night! Your not even a good bottom...

KNEEEEL - I love you

KNEEEEL - Your dick is hot

Wintersoldier - Wait what the...

KNEEEEL - Come to mine today, I'll let you top

Stranger - Stop please.

MrStark - WAIT?! StRaNGe Is GaY? And what does top mean?

Ironmyshirts removed Mrstark from the group chat

Language - Good call Tony

Falconofthesky - How embarrassing...

Wintersoldier - Not as embarrassing as you getting your ass kicked by an ant...

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