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Steve saw Bucky outside the door from the window, and ran down the stairs two at a time to let him in.

With his huge fist, he unlocked the front door and pulled it open, revealing Bucky with a smile that stretched right across his face.

"Hey Buck." Steve placed one hand firmly on his shoulder. "I've actually made plans for us to go out to eat at this restaurant, so you up for it?"

Bucky nodded, as they both walked, hand in hand, to the place Steve had been talking about.

The restaurant was vast. Beautiful marble columns held the overhang of the building. There was two rows of potted evergreen plants, and fairy lights where hung on the sides of the building.

The inside was even more intricate. There was luxurious red carpet covering the floor, and the tables looked as if they were made of diamonds and gold. The place just screamed 'Rich and Luxury'.

They were guided to their table and the two read the menu as they waited.

"So Bucky, what do you fancy?" Cap couldn't help smiling, he could feel the engagement ring sticking out in his cost pocket.

Bucky placed the menu down and looked at Steve. "You know what, I'll have a mushroom risotto with red wine please."

The waitress appeared out of thin air. She grabbed the pen that was tucked behind her ear, and a small notebook from her pouch that was strapped across her waist.

"Good Afternoon, what would you two kind gentleman like?"

"Two mushroom risottos both with red wine please." He glanced over at Bucky who smirked.

The waitress nodded, and hurried to the kitchen through a large door that said 'STAFF ONLY' on it. The two heroes started to wait for their food.

The food was served extremely quickly, and they both devoured every piece of it. The food was luxurious - fit for a king.

After they had finished Cap stood up and fell deep into Bucky's eyes, so deep he fell into a small daydream.

"Do you need to tell me something Steve?"

"Uh. Oh, yes." Cap knelt on one knee and reached for the box in his pocket. He saw the look of shock on Bucky's face and grinned - this was it, he was finnaly going to do it.

"Will you marry me?"

With no hesitation Bucky hugged Steve, screaming with excitement internally. "Yeah I will!"

The pair found themselves, hand in hand, walking down the road back to Steve's place. They each had massive smiles on their faces.

I can't believe it, we are going to get married!

Authors note:


I can't wait to start writing the wedding! Everyone is going to be there!! But anyway, I promised Stucky, you get Stucky!

I actually think this part was a bit too short but its cute and the best i can do!

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