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Language - Tony how are you doing?

Falconofthesky - Your really going to text him while he is out saving the world?

Ironmyshirts - I can multitask.

Language - So what's happening?

Strongestavenger added KNEEEEL

Ironmyshirts - We've got target on the attackers and they seem pretty powerful. But they are no match for me.

Language - But you would say that.

Ironmyshirts - Shit. Stephen push! Push! PUSH LEFT!

Dontforgetme - Sounds like Stephen is having a fucking baby.

Wintersoldier - Tony you might want to turn voice recognition off, it's making you sound really weird.

Ironmyshirts - Noted.

Widowsbite - What is going on?

Realstrongestavenger - I can see Tony chasing these two thugs down where I live. They are about 8ft and can run faster then a car... But that's only from a glimpse.

Language - I'm sure they can handle it.

Strongestavenger - Who's they again?

KNEEEEL - Tony and Stephanie

Strongestavenger - Who the hell is Stephanie?

KNEEEEL - It's Stephen Strange, but I used to call him Stephanie.

Strongestavenger - Bruce how do I send a face?

Realstrongestavenger - Press the emoji tab.

Strongestavenger - k 😑 Do not call him Stephanie.

KNEEEEL - YoUR nOT ThE bOsS Of mE!!!


Ironmyshirts - We have the villains in custody. They are unidentified, so we don't know who they are, but they come from a planet very far from Earth. It was fine, I did most of the work. Strange here didn't listen to a word I said.

Stranger - Listen Tony...

Falconofthesky - Here we go...

Dontforgetme - Another essay.

Ironmyshirts - I'm listening.

Ironmyshirts - Stephen?

Stranger - You asked me to push on the left hand side, where they clearly would have seen me coming. Then you asked me to conjure a portal, but they are dimension wreckers, they kill any dimensional base they touch. If I had guided them to the sanctum, the two aliens would've found the eye of agamotto, then they would have full control over time. So Tony, get rid of your arrogance and come back with a valid argument that doesn't contradict this one. Also say sorry.

Dontforgetme - Sounds like my wife giving me a fucking lecture about washing the dishes. SKSKSKS


Ironmyshirts - I'm sorry, but why the fuck weren't you wearing that precious necklace the whole time?!?

Stranger - I don't accept 'I'M soRrY BuT'

Wintersoldier - I'm dead.


Ironmyshirts - Fine. Sorry.

Stranger - 😘😍😘😜

Ironmyshirts - 😘😘💓

Language - I do not get these men at all...

Wintersoldier - 💖😘💕


Language - 💕💋💓

Widowsbite - I don't get this chat at all...

Falconofthesky - So gay 😂😂

Dontforgetme - Gay isn't a bad thing...


Language - I actually need you to come over tonight Bucky.

Wintersoldier - Why?

Falconofthesky - Just go Bucky

Wintersoldier - I have a feeling you know what Steve is planning...

Falconofthesky - ofc I know

Language - Don't tell anyone.

KNEEEEL - Well Steve is going to-

Language - Really Loki?

Language - Anyway, you coming to mine?

Wintersoldier - Yeah I'll be on my way.

Strongestavenger - 😢

Language - Thor?

Realstrongestavenger - Thor's got a small trace of man flu.

Language - Oh

KNEEEEL - And I want to be tracer.

Strongestavenger - I'm dying! I want you to all know that you were all great friends of mine. The cheerful days I spent with you lot were the happiest days of my life. I don't know how much more I have got to live, so I will cherish these last few hours, and I will hope to see you in another life.

Dontforgetme - Thor the god of thunder, king of Asgard, beaten by the foe known as the common cold.

Falconofthesky - that genuinely made me laugh.

KNEEEEL - *spits out tea* SIS!

Widowsbite - Brothers are crazy.

Stranger - I'm a doctor I should check him over.

Realstrongestavenger - He's got a cold Strange.

Stranger - Better safe then sorry. He might have a malignant tumor in the left side of his brain. May explain the sudden change in behaviour.

[[[[[[Im not a doctor btw so that made no sense.]]]]]]]

KNEEEEL - Sis... That's a made up word.

Language - Smart ass.

Falconofthesky - showing off?

Realstrongestavenger - Just to clarify I have like 7 PhD's

Widowsbite - Bruce.

Realstrongestavenger - Yeah?

Widowsbite - Shut up.

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