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490 15 22

- yoonkook/taegi
- hard-ish
- might be a two parter

yoongi was about to walk out the door when a loud voice scared him. "where do you think you're going dressed like that?"

he was wearing a baby pink sweater with a black skirt that went down to his knees. "t-the mall."

the shorter male was slammed against the wall by his arm, knowing a bruise was bound to form there. "change, now."

"y-yes sir, sorry.." yoongi squirmed away from jungkook's angry grip, rubbing his sore arm as he walked upstairs. 

"you dress like a slut." he grumbled, only making yoongi cry more, hidden behind his bedroom door of course.


"i-i'm ready." he squeaked out. yoongi was wearing a dark long sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans. yoongi yelped when a hand smacked him down to the cold floor. "finally, and cover that up, i don't want anyone to see it. makes your face uglier than it already is." jungkook scoffed. 


"hey yoongi!" hobi waved to his friend, alerting seokjin too. "hey guys..." yoongi's voice was cracking, a weak smile surprising the two. "yoongi, what's wrong?" jin asked. 

"and why are you wearing those dark glasses indoors?" hobi added on, yoongi started to get nervous, he didn't want to lie to his friends, but he knows what jungkook could do to him if he did. so yoongi sighed and said; 

"i'm fine guys, it's noting to worry about.."

"um, ok. yoongs, we're not dumb, what happened?" seokjin firmly grabbed the shorter male's shoulders, looking at him with a gentle yet serious stare.

"i..." yoongi was about to let it all out when he saw his boyfriend enter the mall, cold brown eyes burning holes into his back. "...can't tell you right now, let's just go." yoongi pulled his friends into the crowd, hopefully blending in. 

they went to a few stores, finally stopping at a cinnabon. "these cinnamon rolls are bomb."

"no hobi, they would taste like shit. this is cinnabon we're talking about." yoongi took slow bites, letting the warm pastry slide down his sore throat. jungkook would never let him eat stuff like this, so he savoured it. the last time he tried to sneak something like this in the house...

"what is this crap!" jungkook slapped the food out of yoongi's hand, the other male not having anytime to react before being slammed on the kitchen counter. his arm was being pulled from behind him, another hand restricting oxygen flow to yoongi's body.

"don't ever, and i mean ever, bring this kind of shit in the house, understand me?" yoongi managed to nod, "i don't think you truly understand." he yanked the shorter male up by his neck, pressing him up against the wall.

this time both of jungkook's hand were on yoongi's throat. he lifted him up slightly, making it even harder to breath. he kicked and struggled while choked up whimpers barely made any sound.

"do you understand?" yoongi managed to nod, coughing and sputtering for air when he was finally released from the killer grip. he heard jungkook's angry steps go upstairs and slam his door, quietly sobbing, collasped on the floor.

"--oongi? yoongi!" yoongi finally snapped out of his horrifying thoughts, shakily sighing. 

"are you ok? you were crying and whimpering. is something--"

"i'm have to go." 

"yoongi, wait!" but he had already bolted out the door.


he tiptoed in the house, thanking the stars that jungkook was passed out drunk on the sofa. yoongi loved these nights, where his boyfriend would drink so much that he couldn't even wake up.

the nights when jungkook was drunk, but awake, was a different story, broken bottles, deep cuts, physically and mentally. 

"you..worthless whore! just listen to me for once!" he drove the broken bottle across yoongi's stomach, ripping his white t-shirt and staining it with blood. the shorter male then collapsed, face inhumanly pale.

"y-yoongi...?" he checked his pulse, it was extremely weak. "oh god, what have i done? yoongi, no..i-i'm sorry, i didn't.." jungkook held his shirt close to the wound, carrying him to the hospital.


"p-please! i need help! m-my boyfriend, he f-fell and.."

"don't worry sir, we'll take care of him." jungkook didn't care that his shirt was bloody, he ran into the hospital until the gurney with yoongi on it went in the ER.


"sir..? your boyfriend is awake, the surgey was a sucess-" the doctor wasn't able to finish when jungkook ran into the room. the sight of the love of his life, with a mask connected to he-didn't-know how many tubes, and an IV drip wrapped around his wrist.

"hey kookie." yoongi weakly croaked out. jungkook hugged him to no end, "i-im so sorry, i could of killed you, i was d-drunk and i.." he started sobbing in yoongi's hospital gown, the other only rubbing his hair gently. "it's ok, i forgive you."

jungkook abruptly stopped crying and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "aw, you really are a big softie."

he only chuckled slightly. "i love you yoongi, you know that right?"

"i do, and i love you too."

but here he was, the angry red scar still evident on his stomach. all of a sudden his phone rang loudly through the house, making the male on the couch wake up.

"what's...why are you out of bed..?" his words were extremely slurred, allowing yoongi to come up with a lie out of the air. "i was so tired that, as soon as i got home, i fell asleep. then i woke up and...here we are."

"ok,.just...get back to bed." jungkook groaned in pain, laying back down. 

yoongi sighed in relief, but that feeling dropped down to his shoes when he heard a female voice say;

"did you think he heard us?"












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