Chapter 47 "The Phoenix Queen 2"

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It was happening. Caira was now the Phoenix Queen, bringing in plans and arranging events. Meanwhile, Alex talked with Clayre which soon escalated into a fight with Allie. Once winning, Alex felt awful about what happened the whole day, sleeping with Caira's husband and getting into a battle with Allie. Clayre felt awful about being with Allie in the first place and helped Alex heal her wound. Soon, Zuko found out about about the matters of Caira, and the others who had been searching for her, were alerted.

Third Person Point of View.

She sat on the throne, feeling the warm fire hug her. It had been two days since her reign as Phoenix Queen began. The doors opened, servants came in and bowed. "Lady Caira." An advisor spoke. "Mistress Azula has arrived with her family."

"Send them in." Caira commanded.

The servant nodded, going and calling for Azula. The former fire princess walked into the room, her family right behind her. Caira smirked, standing up and walking down the steps as they bowed. The man before her lowered his head. "Shuzen, let me have a look at you."

Azula's oldest son, Shuzen stood up, staring at Caira who trailed her fingertips along his arms and back. Taking a deep breath, he spoke. "I have heard the news."

"Isn't it great?" Caira asked. "And I must say, you've grown since last time we saw each other. You look like my old friend, Hanzo Hasashi." She chuckled.

"I take that as a compliment." Shuzen told her, scratching the scruff of his beard.

"It is. Now..." Caira leaned in, a smirk on her face as she brushed her lips against his sharp jawline. "Let us discuss, everything..." Her hand trailed down to his own, taking it and dragging him to the throne.

"Mother tells me you have chosen me as the Phoenix King." Shuzen said, as he followed her.

"That I have, for you are a powerful firebender like me." Caira turned so her eyes stared into his own. "Together, we will bring forth an unstoppable bloodline of firebending rulers. We will be the most successful King and Queen." Caira began to laugh as she held out her hands, activating her violet flames. "WE WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD!" She held out her hand towards Azula's stunned son. "So what do you say, Shuzen?"

Mere quietness, Azula's eyes were filled with hope that her son would accept the offer. Taking a deep breath, Shuzen slowly took Caira's hand and stared at her, a grin coming to his face. "I do."

A laugh roared out, Azula clapped her hands, going to Shuzen. "Wise decision, son."

Caira chuckled. "You know, I was worried you'd be against this. Why weren't you?" She asked.

Shuzen lifted the collar of his shirt to his side, revealing an awful mark and holding up what seemed to be an old wedding band. "I too, know the feeling of betrayal." He said, walking with Caira. "I had a wife, one day, I returned, ready to make a special night for her while our children were training. She was gone. I grew worried over time and eventually, found her with another man."

Caira frowned, clasping his face in her hands. "We need to rid the world of the unfaithful."

"That we do." Shuzen replied. "For now, we settle." With that, he walked off, Caira and the others following behind him. Into the common room.

A few hours later, in the Realm of Gehenna.

Two men bowed before the demon king. "You promised us our rewards!" The God of Thunder boomed, a tone of anger gripped his throat. "Now where are they?! Where is my beloved?!"

The half-saiyan glared at Thor while turning back to Satan. "Sorry sir, we are just anxious for the next big thing. I was hoping to see Caira and well, have a chance with my family. Especially with my own parents who disowned me."

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